
  • Noticeable Symptoms: A partially firm penis even when not aroused.
  • Erectile Issues: Decreased firmness during erections reported by many.
  • Feeling Changes: Some individuals feel less sensitive, numb, or a cold sensation, mainly in the penis’s tip.
  • Discomfort: Pain in the penis and lower pelvis when urinating or climaxing, often intensifying while standing.
  • Sexual Health: Erectile dysfunction may occur in some cases.
  • Muscle Tension: Reports of tightness or spasms in pelvic floor muscles.
  • Emotional Impact: Significant psychological effects, including anxiety, sadness, reduced sexual desire, and sleeplessness.
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Associated Diagnoses

Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)/Male Pelvic Pain, Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis, Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome are all pain syndromes that may contribute to or in conjunction with Hard-flaccid Syndrome

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Causes of Hard-flaccid Syndrome

  • Traumatic events like using a penile vacuum, rough intercourse, or over-stretching the penis.
  • Injury to the base of the penis impacting nerves or vessels supplying the penis and pelvic floor muscles.
  • Initial injury causing emotional distress, leading to pelvic floor muscle contraction.
  • Sustained muscle contractions compressing nerves and vessels, causing sensory changes and pelvic floor tension.
  • Continuous muscle contraction affecting the venous structures, resulting in a semi-erect penis in the flaccid state.

Diagnostic Challenges

Hard-flaccid Syndrome might not be an official medical term, but it’s the label that’s stuck for these symptoms, mainly through discussions on the internet. Since there’s not much about it in medical books or journals, it’s not really clear what it is or how it works.

Many symptoms that come with Hard-flaccid syndrome can also be found in individuals dealing with conditions like CPPS (Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome) or Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis. While these conditions have clear definitions, accurately diagnosing them and finding a successful treatment plan can be tough. Adding to the difficulty, a lot of pelvic floor therapists are specifically trained to help women, not men. However, at PHRC in Westlake Village, our expertise includes treating male patients too – sometimes, they even outnumber our female patients!

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How We Can Help You

Men with Hard-flaccid Syndrome can benefit from an assessment by a pelvic floor physical therapist specializing in pelvic pain. During the evaluation, the therapist reviews your medical history, symptoms, past diagnoses, and treatment outcomes. We understand your frustration and aim to provide support. The physical examination in Westlake Village assesses muscles, tissues, nerves, and movement patterns. Afterward, the therapist discusses findings and develops short and long-term treatment goals. In Westlake Village, typically, therapy sessions occur one to two times weekly for about 12 weeks, complemented by a home exercise plan. We collaborate with your treatment team to facilitate recovery.