PerimenopauseMenopause Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Don’t underestimate the impact of menopause! It’s not just about hot flashes and mood swings. Sadly, many people and healthcare providers lack knowledge about menopause and effective treatments, leading to unnecessary suffering. Perimenopause, the stage before menopause, usually starts in the 40s and most women reach menopause in their early 50s. Alongside the typical systemic symptoms of menopause, there are also subtler genitourinary symptoms that can worsen over time if left untreated. These symptoms, such as painful sex, urinary urgency, leakage, burning, and recurrent infections, are all signs of the Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM). Shockingly, almost 50% of women in their 50s also suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction, which shares the same symptoms as GSM. Let’s address these issues and provide women with the care they deserve!

Many women experience symptoms of menopause, and a common treatment is hormonal therapy. However, this may not be enough for those dealing with GSM symptoms. To alleviate these symptoms, the North American Menopause Society suggests using vaginal estrogen specifically for women going through menopause.

Differential Diagnosis:
GSM or Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Common Symptoms of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and GSM:

  • Frequent and urgent need to urinate, with possible burning sensation and waking up at night to go
  • Sensation of pressure in the bladder or pelvic area
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Decreased or absent ability to reach orgasm
  • Difficulty in passing stool
  • Pain and burning in the vulva and vagina
  • Discomfort when sitting
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

A knowledgeable healthcare provider, such as a pelvic floor physical therapist or doctor at Menopause Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in Pasadena, can perform various tests to diagnose issues in the vulvovaginal area. These tests can identify pain areas, pelvic floor dysfunction, hormonal deficiencies, and pelvic organ prolapse. It’s important for all women, especially menopausal women, to seek a pelvic floor physical therapy examination to address discomfort caused by musculoskeletal factors. By combining physical therapy with medical management, we can help restore enjoyable sex and eliminate urinary and bowel concerns.

Why didn’t someone tell me?

The term GSM was not officially recognized until 2014, causing confusion for many. We want to emphasize the importance of recognizing the genitourinary tract’s unique hormonal needs. While pelvic floor physical therapy is becoming more popular, there is still a lack of awareness and qualified providers to address the needs of suffering patients.

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gentio-urinary 2

Insufficient hormones can cause itching in the areas between the labia and vagina. It’s important to consider other skin conditions like Lichen Sclerosus and yeast infections, along with many other factors.

Menopausal women are at risk for frequent vaginal and urinary tract infections due to various factors:

  • pH and tissue changes
  • Incomplete bladder emptying
  • Pelvic organ prolapse affecting urinary function

Recurrent infections can greatly contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction. It is crucial to address and treat these infections promptly at Menopause Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in Pasadena to prevent additional pain and dysfunction once the infection is gone. If left untreated, these infections can persist and have serious consequences. Women may experience unexplained pain, difficulties with sexual activity, and undetected urinary tract infections can lead to kidney problems and other complications.

Collaborate with a menopause expert at Menopause Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in Pasadena to address and manage the serious and treatable issues surrounding GSM. Let’s remove the stigma and openly talk about this topic. With proper care, individuals can improve their quality of life. Pelvic floor physical therapy and medical management work together to provide optimal results.

How We Can Help You
pelvic pain rehab

If you’re struggling with sexual function issues, it’s important to see a therapist for pelvic floor therapy at Menopause Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in Pasadena. They can determine if your pelvic floor is contributing to your symptoms. During the evaluation, the therapist will discuss your medical history, symptoms, and previous treatments. We understand your frustration and most people feel the same when they come to us. The therapist will examine your nerves, muscles, joints, tissues, and movement patterns. Afterward, they will discuss the assessment results and establish short-term and long-term therapy goals. Physical therapy treatments are usually done once or twice a week for about 12 weeks. Your therapist will work with other experts on your treatment team to coordinate your recovery. They will give you exercises to do at home and during your in-person sessions. We’re here to help you improve and live your best life.

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How We Can Help You

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