Postpartum pelvic floor rehabilitation is a big part of what we do at PHRC, and a major issue that we treat for new moms involves C-section scarring. In this post, we’re going to discuss the issues that can arise as a result of a C-section scar as well as how these issues can be addressed with the help of a PT.
As of 2012, 33% of births ended in C-section. (However, recently published guidelines were aimed at lowering that number.) “C-section” is short for cesarean section, and is the delivery of a baby through an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus.
These days the most common incision used for a C-section is the “horizontal” or “bikini incision.” The incision is cut through the lower abdomen at the top of the pubic hair just over the hairline. Scarring from the incision builds up underneath the incision as well as in the uterus.
Before we discuss the potential problems caused by a C-section scar, let’s first take a look at what scar tissue is.
Scar tissue is fibrous tissue that replaces normal tissue after an injury. It’s made of the same stuff as the tissue it replaces—collagen. However, the quality of the collagen is inferior to the tissue it replaces. Plus, the tissue is usually not as elastic as the original tissue. It’s important to bear in mind that the scar that you can see is actually only the tip of the iceberg as most scars extend deeper into the body than the bit of scar that is outwardly visible.
Now let’s take a look at some potential problems caused by a C-section scar.
A common complaint after a C-section is the sensitivity of the scar itself. For instance, it may hurt to lean over to pick up baby or may cause pain with lifting or other positional changes. Standing up straight may be painful as well as reaching over the head.
In addition, the scar may cause a slight postural change, a sort of “pulling forward” that along with a decrease in the support of the back from the abdominal muscles could result in back pain.
But the possible consequences don’t stop there. The scarring can cause the adjacent muscles to develop trigger points that refer pain to areas like the clitoris or urethra. In addition, the adjacent connective tissue can become restricted also causing pain. Lastly, the scarring can irritate superficial nerves in the area of the scar.
What’s more, the round ligament that attaches from the sides of the uterus to the labia can be caught in scar tissue after a C-section because the incision is also right over the area where the round ligament crosses the pelvic brim. If this happens, a woman can experience labial pain, especially with transitional movements like going from a seated position to a standing position.
Another symptom we have seen with our patients who have had C-sections is that they may have issues with lower digestion such as irritable bowel syndrome or constipation. This occurs because of the tightening created by the scar tissue pulls within the abdominal cavity and thus affects the organs.
The good news is that the problems caused by a C-section scar can be treated with pelvic floor physical therapy. So how does a physical therapist treat a C-section scar?
Most problems caused by C-section scarring can be improved or corrected altogether by making the scar more flexible by manipulating the scar tissue. The more scar tissue is moved and massaged, the softer and more similar to the tissue around it it becomes. This reduces tightness and breaks up adhesions (an “adhesion” occurs when scar tissue attaches to a nearby structure).
So if a scar is pulled in all directions, the body will lay down the fibers of the scar tissue with more organization, and in a similar alignment to the tissues around it. This results in the scar blending in better and behaving more like normal tissue.
What this means during your PT treatment is that the therapist will massage and manipulate your C-section scar and the area around it. Scars (internal and external) can be pushed, pulled, pinched, rolled, and rubbed. (Warning: manipulating a scar can be painful. That’s because tissue that has restricted blood flow is super-sensitive to touch, so treatment can be painful.)
But, this is a pain that comes with gain. Ultimately, scar mobilization promotes collagen remodeling, which increases pliability of the tissues and reduces uncomfortable sensations, such as itching or sensitivity.
It’s best to start C-section scar mobilization early in the healing process, usually six to eight weeks after the procedure. The reason that early intervention is ideal is because the tissue will respond quickest during this period.
However, the body remodels scar tissue constantly, so your tissues are being replaced with new tissue all the time, just at a much slower rate when scar tissue is older. A PT can also instruct a new mom on how to perform the mobilization at home if appropriate.
Pelvic floor physical therapy is helpful for all postpartum women regardless of how they delivered their baby. Read more about it in Cosmo magazine and our follow-up post here.
If you have any questions about C-section scarring, please leave them in the comment section or email to [email protected].
Are you unable to come see us in person? We offer virtual appointments!
Due to COVID-19, we understand people may prefer to utilize our services from their homes. We also understand that many people do not have access to pelvic floor physical therapy and we are here to help! The Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation Center is a multi-city company of highly trained and specialized pelvic floor physical therapists committed to helping people optimize their pelvic health and eliminate pelvic pain and dysfunction. We are here for you and ready to help, whether it is in-person or online.
Virtual sessions are available with PHRC pelvic floor physical therapists via our video platform, Zoom, or via phone. The cost for this service is $75.00 per 30 minutes. For more information and to schedule, please visit our digital healthcare page.
In addition to virtual consultation with our physical therapists, we also offer integrative health services with Jandra Mueller, DPT, MS. Jandra is a pelvic floor physical therapist who also has her Master’s degree in Integrative Health and Nutrition. She offers services such as hormone testing via the DUTCH test, comprehensive stool testing for gastrointestinal health concerns, and integrative health coaching and meal planning. For more information about her services and to schedule, please visit our Integrative Health website page.
Would this also be the same for abdominal hysterectomy?
Hello Cathy,
Yes, this can also be the case for an abdominal hysterectomy. Since the location the vertical, or horizontal incision required for an abdominal hysterectomy is also located below the umbilicus, any formation of scar tissue at the incision site can also create problems similar to those of a c-section scar.
I had c-sec on 17th jan 2016. Completely recovered. But suddenly itching on my tummy and in vagina from 10days. Could it be any kind of food allergy? It’s red marks on tummy. Or yeast infection in my lobia. Kindly suggest
Hello Jahan,
It would be hard to say without evaluating you. We recommend consulting with a pelvic floor physical therapist. You can use the below link to find a physical therapist in your area.
I had a 2 c sections and my third in 2008,was able do core exercises without pain .But I fell into a depression, and was in bed for quite some time .now I’m training and I feel like something is stabbing me on rt side of incision. She I continue or stop
Hi Erica,
We recommend being evaluated by a pelvic floor physical therapist. You can find one in your area using the link below.
hello….I’m Angel…3 years after I had a c- section, the end point of the scar (pubic area) started to swell and it hurts when touched hardly…is this an endometriosis cyst? Should I have a surgery for this?..please help me understand…thanks a lot and more power………
It sounds like you may have a pelvic floor disorder. Unfortunately we cannot make specific recommendations without evaluating you. We would be happy to evaluate you in one of our locations or you can use our website to find a pelvic floor physical therapist in your area that can help.
I just recently had my section about 1 week ago a bikini line now I’ve been feeling a burning sensation about 2 inches above my c section what does that mean
Hi Ana, it could mean that your scar is in the healing stages or that the nerves surrounding the scar are being irritated by it. It’s best to start C-section scar mobilization early in the healing process, usually six to eight weeks after the procedure. The reason that early intervention is ideal is because the tissue will respond quickest during this period.
Can the c-section cause you not to eat much regent some foods out by going number 2 alot , and my scar is red I’ve been cleaning it like all time like what doctor says to and still red .
Hello Ashlee,
It sounds like there may be some restriction present around the incision. We recommend consulting with a local therapist to receive a consultation.
Ive started training 6weeks ago, never had any problems after my three c sections. However we were doing core exercises and i suddenly felt period like pains right at my scar ( last c section was almost three years ago )
That evening i though i was dying from the inside out, like intense intense pms cramps…
What could have caused this, i still have the pain, it comes and goes.
Had my csection 8 years ago and then had baby vaginally a year ago. Durong second pregnancy i experienced extreme pain. Now i am starting to get pain again, bit of burning , pulling and pinching. Help me please i am worried
Hi Holli,
Have you seen a pelvic floor pt since you gave birth?
It has now been almost 5 months since my c section I went to help my boyfriends brother move out and I was cleaning all day for 12 in the after noon to 5am. I’ve been hurting ever since the right side of my scar feels like a cramping pain. What could it be just to much work or could it be worse?
Hi Krys, It could be that you overstrained/overworked yourself from working for that long. We recommend you taking some time to recover, slow stretches to help the muscles, massage your c-section scar and monitor how you feel in the following days. If pain is persisting or getting worse, you might see your prescribing physician. Most likely it was from overworking but just keep tuning into your body!
I had my c section a year ago and now I’m pregnant again and I filling a served pains at my back and the scar area. please what should I do
Hi Suzy! Have you been to a pelvic floor physical therapist in between pregnancies? We always recommend seeing one (you can go during pregnancy). We also have a handful of blogs about how to ease aches and pains during pregnancy, we will link them here for you to check out at your convenience!
OMG everything you described iOS happening, I had 2 c-sections. One in 08 and 2011 two years ago it started to turn very dark and become irritated then as time went by it became very painful and it’s worse around the time of my cycle. It started to develope ugly keloids outside of it and the side of the scarring burns badly. I schedule an appointment With a plastic surgeon after getting the run around by my gyn and the general surgeon. The plastic surgeon wants to cut it out and my surgery is scheduled for next month. I heard it can make it worse and grow back. What can I do to prevent it and get rid of the huge lump underneath of skin and Keyloids scaring outside
I have the same issue! My baby is 2 years old. My Keloid looks horrible. I discharge often and around ovulation time, I feel a lot of pressure around that area. I’ve also gone to my gyn and they can’t find anything wrong.
It is possible for endometriosis to grow in and around the c section scar causing cyclical or constant pain. The theory is that part of the uterine lining is inadvertently transplanted into the fat, fascia, muscle or subcutaneous skin around the scar.
Author Melinda Fontaine says:
Janie – Endometriosis can grow just about anywhere. I haven’t seen this exact presentation before, but ask your doctor for their opinion.
I had a csection 8 months ago for my first child. Since then whenever I need a bowel movement and I feel dull and aching pain on my internal scar tissue. Can you explain what this might be?
It’s been 10 years since I had my 5th c section a and sometimes I feel fine and for got I even had a c section but some days it hurts real bad in that area to the point I just need to lie down on my back and i wonder why it hurts I get physicals and pap smears done all the time and everything comes back perfect so when I go to rub the area where it hurts I feel the scar and remember the c section and all the pain I had from them but I thought I would be healed by not since it’s been 10 years since I had one is this normal
Stephanie Prendergast, MPT says:
Dear Princess,
Your symptoms may be caused by abdominal wall myofascial dysfunction and/or pelvic floor problems. We suggest you see a pelvic floor physical therapist in your area for an evaluation, these issues cannot be detected with a pap smear or physical.
It has been 6 years since I had my C- Section, I was fine with no pain until recently at the beginning of the year. The area has become sensitive to touch and the pain is almost unbearable at times especially when I am on my period. Is this normal or is this a sign that something is wrong? I have been to the doctor and was told that it’s normal.
Hi Tiffanie,
We recommend being evaluated by a pelvic floor physical therapist. The link below can help you find one in your area.
Hi Evelyn,
We recommend being evaluated by a pelvic floor physical therapist. Please use the link below to find a pelvic floor physical therapist in your area.
I’ve had 3 cs. And its been two years since my last one. 7/2014 to be exact. And it’s starting to hurt. I had pain b4 but in was expecting but now I can’t have kids cause I tied my tubes and it’s hurt bad. But only the left side. Help
Hi Fernanda,
Please use the link below to find a pelvic floor physical therapist in your area.
Hi I had my c section 4 months ago and it is indented either side , would massage help the indentation ? I have been trying myself for the last 6 weeks with not much change.
I am slim with a flat stomach but the indentation on either side of the scar makes me look like I have a bulge on one side.
Hi I’m pregnant with second baby first one was born prematurely at 28 weeks I’m 2 weeks now an have servere pain at c section area any advice please
Hi Margo,
Please use the link below to find a pelvic floor physical therapist who can evaluate you.
Hi I had my c section 4 months ago and it is indented either side , would massage help the indentation ? I have been trying myself for the last 6 weeks with not much change.
I am slim with a flat stomach but the indentation on either side of the scar makes me look like I have a bulge on one side.
Hi My Name Is Lauren,
First off I have pain deep under my scar randomly , it is like I’m getting stabbed randomly , also have Ibs-c and flare ups, also have back pain, now I’m pretty fit, and athletic, but have always had issues after my back to back c-sections, my children are about 18 months apart, my son will be 3 in march and my daughter is 18 months now,
This article hit all my issues on point, not once did my doctor hint at my new found ailments to be scar tissue, after reading this it all makes sense ,
Thank you
I had my last c section in 2005. My incision has been sore for the last 2 weeks as if I just had a baby. I have also been experiencing pain with the soreness. Can you give me some advice on what may cause this?
Hi Mirandia,
It sounds like you may have a pelvic floor disorder. Unfortunately we cannot make specific recommendations without evaluating you. We would be happy to evaluate you in one of our locations or you can use our website to find a pelvic floor physical therapist in your area that can help.
Hi , it’s been a year and half after I had csection,but still have a severe pain on my lower back, is there any cure for it or it will remain the same? Please suggest.
Hi Bikash,
We recommend seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist that can evaluate you. Please use the link below to find one in your area.
I had a baby 3 years and 4 months ago and for the past 8 months I have had horrible sharp pain feels like I’m being cut open on my c section/ right pelvic area it was my second c section and I have had everything done I’m fixed, labs, xray, sono, ultra, everything is normal WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME No one can answer it .
Please use the link below to find a pelvic floor physical therapist in your area:
This is such a great article and came through my FB feed at just the right time to share in a thread with my members. One had just had an emergency C due to a footling breech. This after 6 vag deliveries. Oh how I’d love to snag you for a guest post on Fit2B. Feel free to get in touch!
I had a c section 2 years ago and my scar is raised, bump and hurts. Will massaging it help in reducing pain and laying the scar flat?
wouldn’t a TAH scar or even tubal ligation scar that was like a bikni cut scar do the same?Does this cause pubic bone pain?Thanks!
Thanks for the article. I’m having severe pain 2.5 years later around my c/s incision site. I’ve seen my OB and after detecting a couple painful masses of scar tissue, she is sending me to PT. I’m very glad to hear PT can be a good solution and actually works. I’m looking forward to being pain free. I really don’t want to get caught up in the surgery/scar tissue cycle. I wish I would have been aware of taking care of possible scar tissue through self-massage right after my c/s healed. I’ve read it can be very good at advoiding painful adhesions.
I have interstitial cystitis and painful pelvic disease I did not get it until 1 year post partum from 2nd C-Section. I went to pelvic rehab and all she believed in doing was biofeedback and controlling urgency/frequency. I have had to have surgery to cut adhesions. There were so many she had to call in a 2nd surgeon to help due to he amount of adhesions. I really wish that this was standard recommendation after C-Sections. Now I have a life sentence of severe pain!
I have the same pain like you after my csection in September 2013 I had interstsial cystitis now I’m witting for laparascopy in next mars my ob told me that may be I have scar tissue now I’m suffering a lot
You truly can get pass the severe pain with right PT, consistent at-home stretches and massages, dietary change and patients. I had surgery number 8 five months ago. I thought I was sentenced to severe lifelong pain. I’ve been seeing my PT since my 6 week post op appt with my doctor and I’ve gotten the following results.
1. Long range mobility
2. My weight is dropping because of the decrease in the sizes of the masses of adhesions which were pressing on my bladder and restricting my intestinal flow.
3. A positive outlook on life which has helped me emotional and mentally. This was affecting my healing process because I was at my wits end.
4. And lastly what I think you will love to hear PAIN IS VERY MINIMAL AND KEEPS DECREASING AFTER EACH SESSION.
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Do you have a pt recommendation in brooklyn? Thanks!
Hello Eve,
Below are the physical therapists we recommend in your area.
Stacey Futterman, PT
Diana Kafka, DPT
Thank you for this article.
I have had a C-Section 20 months ago and now that I am planning to have another baby, I realized that I have scarred tissue from my previous C-Section and would like to treat it before my next C-Section.
Can you please reccomend a great PT near zipcode: 91364. Woodland Hills, CA please.
Thank you again for the insightful article.
Hello Shi,
I recommend our Los Angeles office. We are about 30-40 minutes away from Woodland Hills, CA.
I am 3weeks post partum and having severe hip,pelvic and back pain is this common and how can i make it go away
First c section ever
This type of pelvic girdle pain can be caused by treatable musculoskeletal issues. We recommend seeking an evaluation with a pelvic floor physical therapist.
Would this help in a incisional endometreosis issue as well? It is on the left side of my scar and surgery seems to be all that my doctor will offer when it is convienant for me.I am trying to find ways to bring down the mass at home first. Thanks for the read.
Hello Christel,
Yes it would, but depending on the severity of your endometriosis, surgery may still need to be considered. However pelvic physical therapy can help reduce the chances of this by breaking down any adhesions and scar tissue that are present. I would suggest that you see a local pelvic floor therapist for an evaluation.
All my best,
Thanks so much for the encouraging reply. I saw my gyno yesterday for a pap and cervix exam because of a marble sized bump under my c section scar and he diagnosed me with incisional endometriosis. He said I can decide when I want to do my outpatient surgery but i wanted to see my other options that won’t involve so much recovery time and pain.Thanks again. 🙂
I had a c section 15 years ago. Is it too late to eliminate the tissue? Its awful and lumpy and looks terrible in a bathing suit. I also wonder if it has prevented me from becoming pregnant again somehow..
Hello Lisa,
It’s never too late to address scar tissue. Excess scar tissue may have developed and could have potentially caused your tissues to fuse together (worst case scenario), but it is unlikely that it is causing problems with pregnancy. I would recommend that you see a PF physical therapist that can help address your scar tissue.
All my best,
I had a c-section 23 years ago with my oldest son, then a natural birth 2 years later with my youngest. I had never had severe menstural pain until about 15 years ago but when my periods started getting more painful I really didn’t think much of it. About 3 years ago I began having severe pelvic pain during and and around my period. On some days It is very difficult to go from sitting, to standing straight up. It literally feels like something inside is being ripped apart and even the skin on this side(rt). Is extremely sensitive to the touch. I have been to the my obgyn several times over the past three years and have had indometriosis ruled out, but he never mentioned adhesions to me. Over the past year the pain has become much worse. It used to be that I was only in pain during my period, but now I’m in serious pain for at LEAST, 15 days out of the month and it is getting progressively worse. I often feel sudden stabbing/stinging pains in addition to the constant deep aching on my right side and back. Could this be pelvic adhesions plaguing me 23 years after having my c/s? Could this be the reason I have been infertile for the past 15 years? Is it too late to treat my pain with p/t? I really don’t like the idea of going under the knife, but I can’t see myself living with this kind of pain for the rest of my life. I have a very active lifestyle, and recently it is taking me 4000mg a day of ibuprofen just to function, which can cause other health problems. I’m really at my wits end. Any suggestions?
Hello Suki,
We recommend that you consult with a local therapist who can assess you and begin treatment. Surgery is much more invasive than therapy, and we encourage you to begin with more conservative, and effective treatment such as pelvic floor physical therapy.
Suzi the way you explained is exactly what I feel and the pain is unbearable.
Thanks Suzi
I am currently having the same symptoms.I have been out of work for 2 months and still have not found a solution. I have had an ultrasound,colonoscopy and treated for IC. Have you found a treatment that works for you? Thanks in advance. Im about to give up.
Suki I’m experiencing the exact same thing 5 years after my 2nd C-section. I’m now growing some sort of key looks outside of my incision as well it inflames during my period and is bleeding now and they think it may be endometeiosis but are unsure and recommended surgery and it’s extremely painful. Have you been to the doctor
Sorry if this was answered but it has been a little over a year now since I had my c section and im starting to get really sharp pains it started when I started working back out after I had my daughter I worked out nonstope never had this problem… is this something to worry about?
Hello Jordan,
As you may have read in the blog post, your body has changed after having child, and a c-section procedure. Regardless of whether working out was ever an issue before, scar adhesions along the incision site may have now developed and could be causing pain with physical activity. I suggest that you see a local PF physical therapist who can treat any scar tissue that could be present.
I had a c-section 5 yrs ago, and In the last year or so I’ve had itching, burning and pain that feels like irritation on the right side of my scar and then I also noticed a small knot. Sometimes it doesn’t bother me no pain at all & then it starts again. What should I do? Thanks
Hi Lynn,
I would recommend that you see a PF physical therapist who will be able to break down the scar tissue, and also teach you how to self treat at home.
I have severe pain where my csection was from four years a go can it be possible what your talking about be happening to me this many years later? I have tremendous pain getting up from sitting to walking I almost fall down or even laying down moving to my stomach its intense.
Hello Jane,
Yes it may be possible that scar tissue is causing some of your pain, but I would strongly advise that you are evaluated by a pelvic floor therapist that can determine if there are other factors contributing to your symptoms.
I was wondering if maybe my c – section scar tissue would also affect my right leg? Sounds weird I know but, with having PCOS and my Dr saying I have a lot of scar tissue from the c-section, I wanted to know your input on this.
Hello Courtney,
In order to answer your question, I need a bit more information. What are your current symptoms? Scar tissue in the abdomen can cause restrictions in your gait, daily body mechanics, and lifestyle. These in turn can produce structural tension/tightness in other areas such as your back, and yes, sometimes your legs. I would strongly advise that you are evaluated by a pelvic floor therapist who can better assess you, and begin addressing your symptoms.
All my best,
Thanks Stephenie. My current symptoms include bloating and a fever when the pain happens to my leg. That is only if I’m not bleeding. My PCOS is complicated according to my 2 Dr’s that help me. I have had it for 3 years but wasn’t diagnosed til beginning of this year. I have been on the gluten free diet and still gain weight. The weight gain is uncontrolled. I have 2 discuss prolapse and 2 disc protrusions in my lower back which isn’t getting better due to my constant inflammation/bloating. I take metformin for now. I’ve been on birth controls but none have worked. Going back in in December to get checked out and do tests but I’m to the point of just having a hysterectomy and I’m only 26.
My period have stop since I did cSection and wen is time to menstrate I always fill d pain and have seen gynecologist he are tru d period out but still I did nt see it and I always fill d pain pls wot can I do
Hello Tosin,
Depending on your location I can recommend a local therapist who may be able to help you.
Hi Rachel,
I’m so glad I found this post. I had a c section in 2008 and am having symptoms which feel like a UTI/heavy bladder/strange sensations in my clitoris, pain which radiates to my lower back and hips, et al. I’ve seen a uro/gyno and they laughed at me saying I had nothing wrong. I’ve had numerous tests/paps/wet mounts, etc. and nothing ever comes up but skin flora. I went for a clinical massage yesterday and when she dug in my hip, I could also feel it in my pelvis, so I thought that might be the cause. However, it’s back today. My husband mentioned it may be my scar tissue and I realized I was having some of the same sensations I had in that area after my surgery (the stabbing pain, feeling like there is a knife in there). This led me to you.
I wonder if acupuncture could also help? I did manage to get a list of pelvic PT’s in Chicago from the uro/gyno office. I thought she wanted me to go from the inside, however. What you’re saying is different. It’s massaging the scar to relieve the nerve which feeds the pelvis — right?
If you have any links I can try from home, would you mind passing along?
Thank you so much for this information.
Hi Kelley,
Not necessarily. Scar tissue massage is only one part of the puzzle. Most of our patients who do have symptoms caused by scar tissue, tend to have other factors contributing to their dysfunction. This is why seeing a pelvic floor therapist is so beneficial. Pelvic PT’s can evaluate whether there are musculoskeletal culprits that could also be causing your pain. Without an assessment, I cannot prescribe you and self-treatment techniques. I would recommend that you see a local therapist for an evaluation.
Hello. I’m 14 months post c-section,and experiencing some of the symptoms many of the others have described. Can a massage therapist help with this also? I’m wondering if you can please recommend someone in the San Gabriel Valley area.Thank you very much!
Hello Janet,
I would recommend seeing a pelvic floor therapist and consulting additional options with him or her. Below are physical therapist recommendations for your area. We are also located in Los Angeles, and would happy to assist you.
Julie Sarton, PT
Sarton Physical Therapy
Tustin CA
(714) 770-8222
Julie Guthrie
Synergie Physical Therapy
Los Angeles CA
(310) 686-3926
Laura Horn, PT
Los Angeles CA
(323) 314-3415
Hi, I am 27 months post c section. The right part of my scar has always bothered me but in the last 6 months it has grown increasingly worse. It is more off to the right ( not right on the scar)… I notice it more near my menstrual cycle but it is a constant burning, aching, tingling feeling. Any recommendations? my OB said it is probably scar tissue after he did an exam and felt on my stomach ( kind of feels lumpy like a bump).
Hi Brooke,
Yes, I recommend that you see a local pelvic physical therapist. He or she will be able to break down the scar tissue and also teach you how to continue care at home.
Could this be endometriosis?
Hello, my C Section was 11 years ago. Pain in my abdomen began about 5 years post surgery. Burning, shooting, on fire like I’m being clawed from the inside pain just under the skin along the c section line. Sometimes minor swelling. The first gyn I visited said it was scar tissue and said she could inject lidocaine every 90 days to relieve pain. Went for a second opinion and that gyn said it was adhesions causing the pain. She did a laparoscopic Hysterectomy and said she removed what she could of the adhesions 15 months ago. The pain is still there and getting worse with time. It’s not all the time but maybe 2 weeks out of a month. I do have other major medical issues including Insulin dep diabetes, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis and neuropathy. I have taken biological and pretty strong meds for over 20 years including methotrexate by injection for 15. At this point I concluded nothing could be done an I have to live with the pain but it is getting as bad if not worse than my arthritis, then I came across your post. Any suggestions or docs you can recommend in the Bradenton /Sarasota Florida area?? Thanks for taking the time to read!
Hello Ronda,
We only have therapist recommendations for Orlando FL at this time. Their contact information is below.
All my best,
Ashley Arango, PT and Katherine Marsh, PT
Florida Hospital Pelvic Health Rehab
Orlando FL
(407) 303-8280
Can you recommend a therapist on the Detroit area
Hi Shannon,
Certainly. Below are recommendations for your area.
Kristen Miles, PT
Royal Oak, MI
(248) 655-3011
Women’s Urology Center
Catherine Veeser, PT
Ferndale, MI
(248) 655-3000
William Beaumont Hospital
My youngest child is nearly thirteen and recently I have started having a lot of pain, as well as a pulling sensation around my scar. I began working out a lot last summer and it seems that the more weight I lose and muscle I gain, causes an increase in pain. Last night it was so severe I couldn’t sleep!
Hello Sonja,
It’s never too late to start pelvic physical therapy! I would recommend that you see a local therapist who can help you address any scar tissue that may be present.
All my best,
Hi. I just read this article. This is wonderful. I am 5 months post second c section. I feel less bound this time around. I felt like my muscles were cut and shortened two years ago. I am able to stretch out more this time around. But I find since my job is very physical… My line becomes sore and inflamed. It hurts just to put pressure on it. One of my drs suggested an MRI. I was now thinking I could see a therapist. Do you have any recommendations in Baltimore Md.. Thanks for the Insite
Hello Ingrid,
Yes, being evaluated by a pelvic PT will help to determine the causes of your discomfort. We have several recommendations near Baltimore. You will find their information below.
Stacey Devine, PT
Devine Intervention Physical Therapy
Eldersburg, MD
(410) 404-4772
Marci Marshall, PT
Women’s Wellness Works
Frederick MD
Jennifer Ortiz, PT and Melissa Reinhardt, PT
Her Health Physical Therapy
Columbia MD
Hi , i had my c section five & half years ago now. I have recently strained myself when picking up something heavy . Since then my scar and around it has been so tender and aching alot. Sometimes a warm bath is helpful to make it more bearable or hot water bottle but i have found it is even more sensetive to heat. I have been to my doctor but they brushed it under the carpet pretty much. What do you recommend? Thank you
Hello Charlotte,
Given the description of your symptoms, I think you would be a great candidate for pelvic physical therapy. Where are you located? I may be able to recommend a therapist for you.
Warm Regards,
Can you please recommen a therapist in central Ohio? I had a c-section 5 years ago and my scar has always been just a little tender but was easy to ignore but recently injured the area right above it and it feels extra tender like a bruise. Great article. Thank you.
Hello E,
We do not have therapist recommendations for Ohio at this time. Are you interested in other locations?
I had my c section 14 months ago and i am currently 21 weeks pregnant. Lately my cs scar itches so badly, now and even before i became pregnant and i cant resist the urge to scratch it and it is beginning to form a keloid like bump. What do i do?
Dear Franky,
As long as you are cleared for intercourse by your OB, you can still receive an evaluation and treatment from a pelvic PT. Where are you located? I may be able to offer you a couple of recommendations.
Hi l had a c section about 10 weeks ago, l suddenly felt stabbing pain, sometimes it feels like ingrown hair on the right lower abdomen(bikini line). When l was hand examining my self, l felt something like a lump or bump on the last stitch, but i feel no pain while massaging the lump. The stabbing pain comes and goes but l can’t really locate it to the bump on the stitch because when l touch its not painful.
Hi Lizzy,
Have you thought about pelvic floor physical therapy once you hit your 16 weeks postpartum? Massaging your c-section scar is a great place to start! If you are not experiencing any pain with it, that is a good sign. However if you have worries about this lump, it is always a good idea to get it checked out (even if just for piece of mind).
My wife is in serious pain after c-section now that her baby is 1 and half years old could this be normal. If not what is the remedy or drug for the pain.she has no open scar too.
Hello Sam,
A pelvic physical therapist can release any adhesions and scar tissue that may have formed due to a c-section. However, an evaluation to fully assess your wife’s situation will be necessary. A therapist will need to rule out other contributing factors such as a diastasis, trigger points, or patient lifestyle/behavior.
Warm Regards,
Thanks for the info.
Can you recommend a therapist in the Santa Barbara, CA area?? I had a c-section a few months ago and am still experiencing bad muscle pain/soreness. Thank you!
Hello PLF,
Dhara Solanki is located in Santa Barbara, CA. Her information is below.
Dhara Solanki, PT
Aum Physical Therapy
(805) 682-7777
Can you recommend a pelvic PT near middle Georgia?
Hello Cate,
Our therapist recommendations for Georgia are located below.
Jenny Hunt, PT
Provenance Rehabilitation of the Greater Atlanta Area
Alphretta GA
[email protected]
Lone Howell, PT
Physiotherapy Associates Lawrenceville
Auburn GA
(770) 995-5242
Thank you for the informative article. I had a c-section 15 months ago and have a moderate scar. The right half has healed well and smooth but left half is slightly bumpy/keloid. In general, the scar is itchy and if I wear something that hits or rubs the wrong way it is uncomfortable. We are trying to conceive now and I am worried about the effects of another pregnancy – stretching of the skin, itchiness etc. For health reasons I will likely have another c-section if I have another baby, and also wonder how to mitigate these issues in the future. I have been trying to massage gently with bio-oil but it doesn’t seem to be helping. Grateful for any advice or suggestions. Also, I would appreciate therapist recommendations in the Washington, DC area, if that would be permissible in early stages of pregnancy. Thank you very much.
Hello SKS,
We currently do not have therapist recommendations for Washington, but we can recommend a few therapists nearby. Here is their contact information:
Stacey Devine, PT
Devine Intervention Physical Therapy
Eldersburg, MD
(410) 404-4772
Marci Marshall, PT
Women’s Wellness Works
Frederick, MD
Miriam Graham, PT
Restore Motion
Rockville, MD
(301) 881-9313
All my best,
I had my third c section 5.5 years ago and my 7 tear old son broke his having to lift him into the car and to use the bathroom. My scar is swollen and aching…can you advise? He weighs about 55 lbs….
I appreciate your advice.
Hi Emma,
I would recommend that you see a local pelvic floor therapist. Where are you located? I can offer therapists recommendations for you.
Hi Emma,
There are several Milford cities in the US. You will need to be more specific.
Sorry, Delaware
Hello Emma,
Below is our therapist recommendation for Delaware.
Ellen Levine, PT
The Back Clinic
Wilmington DE
[email protected]
Hi I had 3 c section d last one 12 years ago but still get pains is that normal ?
Hello Gailann,
In order to be sure, you will need to receive an assessment. Please contact a local therapist for more information.
Hi, I had two c sections one 12 years ago and one years ago. A few years after my first c section I had bad pain in my lower back and the area of my c section over to my hips. Then had my second c section. A couple years after that the pain got worse. They found that my uterus attached to my stomache wall. So they cut me again and cut out my uterus. Now having the same pain again very badly a couple years later and they say that’s it can’t be scar tissue again. It is the same pain. Can it be scar tissue again? Thank you Tina
Hello Tina,
Actually yes scar tissue may be contributing to your pain, but there could also be other causes present. I suggest that you receive an evaluation from a local pelvic floor therapist. Where are you located? I’d like to offer you therapist recommendations.
Hi Melinda,
I live in Delaware county Pennsylvania .
Hi Tina,
Here are our recommendations for your area.
All my best,
Hina Sheth, PT
Rebalance Physical Therapy
Philadelphia PA
Lori Haring, PT
Haring Physical Therapy
Allentown PA
(610) 437-6975
Amy Rejba MSN, CRNP
Pelvic and Sexual Health Institute
Philadelphia PA
(215) 863-8100
Do you have any recommendations for a Pelvic PT near Chicago?
Hello Becky,
Yes we recommend Kotarinos Physical Therapy in Chicago. All of their therapists specialize in PFD, and would be valuable resources for you.
Can you please recommend a Pelvic PT in the New Jersey area…I have been having severe pain only during my menstrual cycle and ovulation with back pain…my Gyno said I could have endom. on the scar tissue, but you can feel the lumps which again come about during menstrual cycle. It subsides a little afterwards. Thank You.
Hello Maryann,
Below are therapist recommendation in New Jersey.
Niva Herzig, MS,PT Englewood NJ (201) 568-5060 Core Dynamics PT
Jamie Besante, PT Beachwood NJ (609) 978-3110 Southern Ocean Medical Center
Michelle Dela Rosa, DPT Columbus NJ (609) 379-0900
Nancy Ely-Maskal, PTA Englewood NJ (201) 567-2277 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center
I had a c section 24 months ago and have some serious scarring/keloid and the usual sharp pains every once in a while. My incision opened on both sides (bikini cut) at 6 weeks. It had to be packed and eventually healed. Now I get small wounds that last from a few days to weeks then they heal and the cycle starts over. I have made appointments and by the time I get in to see the gyn, the small wound has either healed or looks much better and so no interventions are done. Any advice would be appreciated.
Hello Julie,
Where are you located? I would like to recommend a local pelvic floor therapist.
Hello! I had a c-section 18 months ago without complication, but I’ve had daily cramping ever since. It feels like I’m menstruating every day. My OBGYN has no idea; she thinks maybe scar tissue is still forming. Have you seen this problem before? Any known PT treatments? I’m in Maryland if you have any suggestions.
Thanks so much – great article!
Hello Sarah,
Please refer to the above comments for PT recommendations in your area.
All my best,
Hello, get article.
I have had 2 c-sections. While pregnant with my 2nd son, the placenta was attached to scar tissue. My 2nd son is 2 years old now and just recently the incision area has been itching like crazy. I have never experienced this before. Should I see a doctor or what could be the cause?
Hello Angel,
Yes, it would definitely be a worthy investment to see a pelvic floor therapist. A keloid may have formed and could be the source your symptoms. I would like to offer you a therapist recommendation if possible. Where are you located?
This is a great article. I had to have a csection 20 months ago, and still occasionally have shooting pains in my incision. I just found out I am pregnant, and want to be as well prepared as possible. Would going to a PT during the 1st trimester be dangerous? I live in Ashland, WI of you have any recommendations. Also, I think it’s admirable that you’re still responding to comments this long after the original post.
Hello Kelly,
Absolutely! Treatment is perfectly safe during the first trimester. I apologize, but we do not have a therapist recommendation in Ashland. Below are our recommendations for all of Wisconsin.
Walters Mary Sue PT Sun Prarie WI (608) 260-6004 [email protected] Dean Clinic
Hoffman, MD Donna MD Onalaska WI 6087751851 [email protected] Gunderson Lutheran Med Ctr
Walz Colleen PT Onalaska WI 6087751840 [email protected] Gunderson Lutheran Med Ctr
Bartelsen Beth PT Nashotah WI 2625696306 [email protected] ProHealth Care Musculoskeletal Institut
LaBorde Linda PT Waukesha WI 4143020770 Spinal Dynamics of WI
Hildenbrand Sherese OT Mequon WI 2622401202 [email protected] Continence and Pelvic Wellness Clinic
Callif Debbie OT Mequon WI 2622401202 [email protected] Continence and Pelvic Wellness Clinic
I had a c section 14 months ago and still get pain from it I also always have an urgency and sensation to pee. I live in Miami Florida is there anyone you recommend in Miami or ft lauderdale
Hi Liza,
Pamela Downey, DPT is fabulous, and is located in Miami, FL. Her contact information is below.
Pamela Downey, DPT
(305) 666-3232
Thank you very much I will contact that therapist tomorrow! I am hoping this will help with some of my pains and discomforts as the doctors have given me know answers or guidance.
I also saw you commented about diastasis… Can a tp help with that? I have a large diastasis, pain from my scar And a constant urge g
To urinate all the time with little relief! Is there anyone u recommend on Miami or ft lauderdLe Florida? Do you think it will help? It’s been 15 months of pain 🙁
Hi Liza,
Yes pelvic physical therapists can also address a diastasis, and can help patients consider other treatment options if necessary. Although you’ve experienced your symptoms for 15 months, it’s never too late to begin treatment. There is hope! Please review your first comment for my therapist recommendation in Miami.
Hi really interesting reading – I too have a burning pain on the right hand side where my c section scar is & can feel a little lump the size of a grape where the scar is I am on the mirena contraceptive so don’t know my cycle but think it gets more painful for about week during a month – I had c section 5 years ago & feel the need to go to toilet a lot recently I live in NZ & haven’t heard of pelvic therapists what do you think it sounds like a common thing from all the reading I have been doing – I am going to doctor on Monday to check it out thanks for your positive comments as I was worried it
Hello Catherine,
If you are able to travel, we recommend the following therapists in Australia:
Alyssa Tait, PT
Equilibria Health
Brisbane Australia
61 7 32770226
Angela James, PT
AJ Physio
Bondi, South Wales Australia
02 9369 4111
I am concerned currently about scar tissue after a C-section. I have had 3 C-sections, most recent was 02/28/2012 and now that I have been working out and getting back into shape. my incision is very painful when I stretch or lay on my stomach or push ups, the worst is when im doing push ups, it feels as if im getting cut open, pains where I just want to cry. I know its scar tissue, but should I worry and see a doctor or is this because my body is going thru change?? please help, please please =)
Hello Diana,
I would encourage you to consult with a local pelvic floor therapist who can conduct a full assessment. I’d like to offer you therapist recommendations, where are you located?
Hi there! Would you please recommeND someone experienced in thus type of pt in the Bolingbrook IL (60440) area?
Hello Nikki,
Certainly! Here are our recommendations.
Maureen O’Keefe, PT
Evergreen Park IL
Brandi Kirk, PT
Kirk Center for Healthy Living
Homer Glen IL
Kristen Markett, PT
Flexeon Rehab
Orland Park IL
(708) 671-1971
Do you have therapist recommendations in Huntington, WV (larger city close by is Charleston.) Thank you for this post.
Hello Katy,
Marnie Clemens has taken our course, and should be familiar with PFD. We do not have additional suggestions for the WV area but if you are able to travel, we may be able to offer additional recommendations.
Clemens Marnie, PT
Clemens Physical Therapy
Bridgeport WV
(304) 842-6008
[email protected]
Hi could you please recommend a pelvic PT in long island, ny?? its hard to get into Manhattan from where I live. thank you.
Hello Michelle,
We do not have therapist recommendations for Long Island, but I can recommend therapists in Englewood, NJ. Here is their information:
Nancy Ely-Maskal, PTA
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center
Englewood NJ
(201) 567-2277
Niva Herzig MS,PT
Core Dynamics PT
Englewood NJ
(201) 568-5060
Hi! I’m 28 have had four csections in the past eight years. Developed severe endometriosis after my last which was a little over two years ago. Whether the sudden onset came after my incision was stepped on a week after delivery we don’t know. But my uterus and left ovary are stuck to my abdominal wall…from so much scar tissue. They just fused right on up! As you can imagine I am in constant pain and have tried every treatment out there. So my last resort is hysterectomy which is scheduled for next month. BUT my last period was very short and blood would only come out if I beared down. And the blood was thick clumpy and very dark. Now a week or so after my period my incision is all puffy and swollen and it burns. On the inside. But the weird thing is my pain is not severe like it usually is… My abdominal area is more numb then anything. And also my uterus is very swollen up. If you know what I mean when I have ‘endo belly’ I have it really bad since like a week before my period. Any ideas? Oh..also on antibiotic for vaginitis which so far is not seeming to work. Been on it for a week..?
Oh and my mom had her csection scar worked on 25 years after surgery with compleat success. Needless to say I will be going for some therapy after surgery next month.
Hello Tiffany,
I’d like to offer you a therapist recommendation. Where are you located?
I live in Palmer Alaska.
Hello Tiffany,
We do not have therapist recommendations in Palmer, AK but if you are able to travel, we can recommend therapists in Canada.
No I would not be able to travel to Canada. Do you have books websites or YouTube videos that may help in self help recovery?
Hello Tiffany,
We do have youtube videos, but they are exclusively for established patients. We anticipate that our book will be released this summer, and that it will be an excellent resource for patients.
Please l had a cs 13 months ago and the right side aches now.Pls what do you advise.
Hello Gift,
You may benefit from a consult with a local pelvic floor therapist.
This article was extremely helpful to me in answering some questions about what I’m starting to experience. Although did have a C-section, I had an ALIF a few weeks ago with the exact same type of incision that is used for a C-section. Do you have any recommendations for therapists in the Denver area?
Hello Jovi,
Thank you! Here are our recommendations for the Denver area:
Neujahr Hollie PT Denver CO (303) 260-5092
Gerig Nel MD Denver CO 3033889321
Brady Marie PA Denver CO 3033889321
Waliser Thomas MD Denver CO 3038301181
Nishimoto Terri PT Denver CO 7204023801
Eral Laura Denver CO (720) 394-9453
Fries Elizabeth Denver CO (303) 260-5092
Klein Lea Denver CO (303) 333-3493 ext 1
Mueller Angie Denver CO (303) 799-6336
Nangle Amie Denver CO (720) 402-3801
Nichols Diana Denver CO (720) 493-1181
Raschke Kimberly Denver CO (720) 402-3801
Richardson Mary Boulder CO (303) 441-0452
Could you please recommend PTs in the Houston, Tx area?
Thank you!
Hello Christina,
Here are our recommendations for your area:
Sara Sauder, PT Cody McNeely, PT and Angela Dobinsky, PT
Sullivan Physical Therapy
Austin, TX
(512) 335-9300
Austin is about 3 hours’ drive from Houston. Is this the closest you have?
Hello Christina,
Sorry, we do not have recommendations closer to Houston.
i had a csection 9 yrs ago and i started having pain on the corners of the incision and now is all over the incision like if i had done excessive exercise..its sore and tender to touch. what would you recommend i should do.
Hello Liz,
I recommend that you consult with a local pelvic floor therapist who can evaluate, and treat you. Would you like a therapist referral?
Hi, great article! I am 5 weeks post op abdominal myomectomy. 1)is there a way to reduce scarred tissue on the uterus and 2)I will try to get pregnant soon and delivery will be a c section, with so much cutting how can I reduce my stomache pooch? Thinking about pilates…
Hello Shawn,
I would recommend that you consult with a pelvic physical therapist to receive a full assesment. Where are you located? I may be able to recommend a local PT.
I wondered whether having had a c-section followed by infection, it could still 6 years on cause discomfort? The district nurse who packed my wound was jot packing it properly and myself had to inform her! Since n now I still get discomfort in that post infected healed area. Should I be concerned? I found this page by chance and would appreciate the response to email as well. Very concerned.
Hello Lisa,
It is possible that scar tissue is causing some of your discomfort, but in order to be sure, you will need to receive a full evaluation. Maria Elliot, PT is located in the UK and would be a great resource for you. Her information is located below.
Maria Elliot, PT
London UK
Thank you. I shall get in contact with her.
Hi. I do you have any therapist recommendations for Tallahassee, FL?
Hello Trisha,
We only have therapist recommendations for Orlando FL at this time. Their contact information is below.
All my best,
Ashley Arango, PT and Katherine Marsh, PT
Florida Hospital Pelvic Health Rehab
Orlando FL
(407) 303-8280
Hello there, I have been experiencing pain for the past 5 years after having a c-section 9 years ago. Pain in my buttocks, pelvis, cervix, lower abdomen and upper thighs. Sometimes massaging these areas help but the pain will last days at a time. I lifted something on a bad angle that seemed to trigger all this years ago. And last night again, it got worse after carrying groceries and going up the stairs. Now I cannot walk around without feeling stabbing sensations in my pelvic region. Could you recommend someone in the DC?Maryland/Northern Virgina area? Thanks!
Hello Shannon,
I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. It does absolutely sound like you would benefit from an evaluation with qualified pelvic floor PT. I apologize, but I’m not familiar with Virginia, so I thought I’d just send along the entire list of PTs who have taken our class in the hopes that one or more of them is close by your area. I have also included recommendations for Maryland:
Pierce Kristen Warrenton VA (540) 316-2680 [email protected]
Rich Jennifer Roanoke VA (540) 982-2273 [email protected]
Gryski Joanne PT Herndon VA (703) 222-5973 [email protected]
Miller Amanda DPT Richmond VA (804) 270-7754 [email protected]
Pagliano Carrie PT Arlington VA 2024444180 [email protected]
Brown Carolyn PT Virginia Beach VA 7573742373 [email protected]
Simmons Camille PT Alexandria VA (703) 849-8142 [email protected]
Oxford Kathy DPT Richmond VA 8043309105 [email protected]
Morris Lydia PT Richmond VA 8042850148 [email protected]
Pesavento Kathy PT Vienna VA 7039633466 [email protected]
Silvers Janet PT Burke VA 7035312410 [email protected]
Kalina Clare PT Fairfax VA 7035919088
Stacey Devine, PT
Devine Intervention Physical Therapy
Eldersburg, MD
(410) 404-4772
Marci Marshall, PT
Women’s Wellness Works
Frederick MD
Miriam Graham, PT
Restore Motion
Rockville MD
(301) 881-9313
Jennifer Ortiz, PT and Melissa Reinhardt, PT
Her Health Physical Therapy
Columbia MD
Hello, my name is Jennifer Noskie and I had a c section about almost 5 years ago. I am having these same issues with my pelvic and cramping where the scar is and even with gas or moving bowels. I don’t know what to do because its been 5 years!! the cramping comes and goes and its getting worse as I am getting older which I am 33 now. and I only get it around my period time and 2 weeks after when I am ovulating. please help me or give me some advice thank you so much Jennifer
Hello Jennifer,
Although some time has passed since your c-section, pelvic physical therapy is still a great option for you. It is never too late to begin treatment. Where are you located? I may be able to recommend a therapist.
All my best,
Is there a therapist in CT
I have had 4 C-sections. No pain anywhere, just a lot of scar tissue, Im wondering if it is growing on the inside.
Would this stop period flow for 6 months.
I have gained 20 pounds not able to get rid of
Hello Lisa,
We currently do not have a therapist recommendation for Connecticut, but I can recommend a few therapists that are about two hours away.
Alison Cody, PT
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Nashua NH
Niva Herzig MS,PT
Core Dynamics PT
Englewood NJ
Jamie Besante, PT
Southern Ocean Medical Center
Beachwood, NJ
(609) 978-3110
Who would you recommend near London Ontario?
Hello Krisztina,
Below are therapist recommendations for your area:
Carolyn Vandyken, PT
Physiotherapy Association of Cambridge
Cambridge, (Toronto) Ontario Canada
Hello i had a c section where they had to stitch me in nd out.this was six years… ago now im 38 weeks pregnant but since the beginning to middle of my current pregnancy it hurts when i lie down nd try to get up.why could this pls help!! P.S PLEASE ANSER ASAP!! Thank you
Hello Rita,
I encourage you to consult with a local pelvic floor therapist who can begin scar tissue mobilization and other appropriate treatment with you. I’d be happy to offer you a recommendation.
Hello ive had 4 c sections and have been working out for the last 8 months my last c section was 6 yrs ago and today while showering i noticed it hurt when i was cleansing the scar area and it has a big red mark looks more painful than it is but it about the size of a tangerine and scar on right side is very tender its worring me
Hi Eva,
I’d consult with a local pelvic floor specialist. Do you need a therapist recommendation?
Yes please
Hello Eva,
Where are you located?
I had a baby through CS for over 2 years ago, but d scar has not heal all. It remain little (the scar is like a dot) have done test , doc said I used antibiotic, still the wound is there. And he also said its normal, pls what can I do
Hello,I’m currently going through a rough time right now. I have a lump on the left side of my c-section scar. It’s golf ball sized and very tender. When I had my surgery I was only 7 months pregnant and on top of that I had to have a second surgery due to the first one getting infected and reopening. The lump has been there for a few months but never this big or tender. Can’t go see Dr. Due to no insurance at the moment. And suggestions? Please help
Hello Megan,
Unfortunately, having an evaluation from a pelvic floor physical therapist is essential to fully assess, and understand your situation. Although it does require a financial commitment, patients learn so much after their first appointment, and are given tools to help their specific situation.
Ive had 3 c sections my oldest being 6 yr my youngest bein 7 months my question is recently ive been going to the gym and for some odd reason no matter the exercise i seem to bleed. ..its not bright it looks old and dark cud this be a result of my incision ….periods r regular no pain or discomfort nothing and only happens when exercising can u shed some light.
Hello Melissa,
I recommend that you consult with your gynecologist and if appropriate, a pelvic floor therapist.
Hello!! I Have a question 🙂
It’s been 4 weeks since my c-section and the first days I was feeling ok, better than right now, now, on the right side of the scar I have been feeling sooo much pain, I can’t barely walk… This is my 3rd. C section and to me this is unusual… I’m kind of desperate!! What can it be?
Hello Gaby,
It can be that your body is healing differently, but in order to be sure I encourage you to consult with a local pelvic floor therapist for a full evaluation.
All my best,
I had my 3rd c-section 7mo ago, just today I noticed a marble sized lump under my scar, upon further inspection the sides/ends of my scar seem to not be healed, they are red and kind of fleshy looking. The one side with the lump Also seemed to bleed a touch,when I was observing. What should I do?
Hello Kristen,
I encourage you to consult with a local pelvic floor therapist who can assess you, and begin treatment.
Do you have recommendations for a PT in Utah? Thanks!
Hello Amy,
Yes, Bonnijane Monson, DPT is located in Salt Lake City, UT. Here is her information:
Bonnijane Monson, DPT
University of Utah
(801) 587-7005/ 801-581-2897
[email protected]
Hello… in 1993 about a year after my C section, my clitoris started to really hurt so much that I could not wear pants anymore, only dresses. If I touched it in a certain way to even wipe, I would go thru the ceiling. I was eating a lot of things like Peanut butter and coffee and lots of greens which I later found out I was eating and being effected by high Oxalate foods.I had to stop doing them and ad Calcium Citrate to break down the calcium deposits that where crystallizing in my urethra tube causing horrible pain. I would take like 8 cal citrate and Glutamate Sulphate and it would help right away. It was like a miracle. You can find a low oxalate diet and food list on line. Low oxalate helps to take down inflammation in Vaginal area and also estrogen cream inside the vaginal area helps also to calm the pain.I love this info on the scar tissue. I had heard this before and it makes total sense to me because this unbearable pain started after my C section.I was great for years, and had thought I was cured of it until in the last few months it has all come back. This is almost 20 years ago. I have been eating all of the wrong things, and I guess it has caught back up to me. I will be looking at BT and working towards reducing the scar tissue and I am in the process of eating low oxalate and taking the Cal Citrate and Glucosamine Sulphate again.I am so grateful to know about this… thank you so much.
Hi I had a c section about 19 months ago now as that’s how old my son is but my scar seems to still be deep into my body and not popped out like other people’s can you explain why and if it will ever pop out? It seems really dug in
Hello Becki,
It may be that your incision has healed differently, and that scar tissue may also be present. I recommened that you consult with a local therapist for a full assessment.
ever since I had my c section 3 years ago I haven’t been able to have an orgasm can you tell me what is wrong? Is it nerve damage? and can it be fixed?
Hello Alyssa,
It is difficult to say without first evaluating you, but your symptoms may actually be caused my musculoskeletal impairments, and not nerve damage. I would recommend that you consult with a local PF therapist for more information.
All my best,
Can scar tissue stop your period? I have had two csections. The first one my period was normal. Second one completely irregular. Lots of pain in and around my scar that comes and goes. I am very worried.
Hello Carissa,
Without an evaluation it is difficult to say, but scar tissue can create a variety of complications. The good news is that pelvic floor therapists can break down scar tissue with treatment. I encourage you to consult with a local PF therapist for an assessment.
Hi my name is lisa my daughter katie had C section 18 months ago an we had to pack it 3.5 months befre it finally healed right she is having alot of pain in her abdomen area bloating an bleeds a whole lot when shes on her period her legs hurt so so bad she says when she walking or exercises she feels as if everything is ripping apart an has to go check to make sure shes not bleeding is this similar to what yr talking about any info greatly appreciated Knoxville Tn
Hello Lisa,
Below are therapist recommendations in TN. If your daughter has not consulted with a therapist, she may want to communicate with one of our recommendations, and receive an evaluation.
Alfredo Nieves MD
Pelvic Pain and Reconstructive Surgery Center
Chattanooga TN
Melissa Kubic, PT
Chattanooga TN
Hi Melinda,
How are you? I had my c section 11 years ago. I have been having more pain lately & IBS after beeing gluten free for years. My abdomen is always sensitive. Could you recommend a PT person that is near the Pittsburgh, PA area? (I live in West Mifflin).
Hello Jennifer,
Below are therapist recommendations for Pittsburgh, PA.
Christine Woods, PT
Fox Chapel Physical Therapy
Pittsburgh PA
(412) 967-9229
Janice Bryant, PT
UPMC Centers for Rehab Service
Pittsburgh PA
(412) 422-4775
Thank-you so much!!!!
Hi I had a c section 16 months ago, lately is been painful and smell real bad I keep swelling on my legs and my c section is red and burning, do you guys have any doctors recommendations around McDonough Georgia
Thank you
Hello Marly,
We do not have recommendations for McDonough. Here are our therapist recommendations for Georgia:
Jenny Hunt, PT
Provenance Rehabilitation of the Greater Atlanta Area
Alphretta GA
[email protected]
Lone Howell, PT
Physiotherapy Associates Lawrenceville
Auburn GA
(770) 995-5242
My c section was 13 yrs ago. I have been having pain for a couple yrs now.Went to ER they did all kinds of test and said they found nothing. Any suggestions for me in Brooksville Florida
Hello Dottie,
We do not have a recommendation for Brooksville, but there are therapists in Florida that we can recommend. Here is their information:
Ashley Arango, PT and Katherine Marsh, PT
Florida Hospital Pelvic Health Rehab
Orlando FL
(407) 303-8280
Tracy Sher, PT
Florida Hospital
Altamonte Springs
Pamela Downey, PT
Miami FL
(305) 666-3232
I have a ball on the right side of my pelvis and I already went to the ER once this year for atrocious pain and was told its left over scar tissue from my c-section. My daughter is now five and the pain is unbearable! I can’t sleep or lean or even bend down on that side of my stomach. I feel absolutely horrible when my daughter trys to play with me and I end up crying in pain because she accidentally hit me in that area. I just don’t know what to do anymore!
Hi Meaghan,
Please consult with a local pelvic floor therapist. Where are you located? I may be able to recommend a specialist.
Hi. I had my second c section 5 months ago and unlike my first child, I am still recovering. I just had an ultrasound as I was complaining about lower abdomen pain. It feels all external. The entire section below my belly button feels soar, bruised and numb at the same time. I didn’t think it was my scar causing the pain but after messing with my scar today, the rest of my belly started to hurt. I can’t stretch or else my left abdomen muscle pulls like a Charlie horse. It hurts to wear clothes and it hurts to lift anything or even breastfeed my son bc he puts pressure on my abdomen. The US came back negative and my obgyn is stumped. I’m not crazy though- I’m in a lot of pain and I need to do something about it asap. I’m in foxboro, MA and would/could travel to Providence RI or Boston, MA. Any referrals?
Hello Jena,
I’m sorry to hear about your situation. Unfortunately, we hear of similar stories all too often. If you are able to travel to MA, I would encourage you to consider our Waltham office. Our very own Elizabeth Akincilar-Rummer is currently accepting new patients, and would be able to assist you. Please contact our office for more information. (415) 440-7600.
Hi, I had a c section just over 2 years ago, Ive been having internal pains where my scar is when I pee, I thought it would fade away but it hasn’t, and it’s very sensitive, to the point where if my son bounces on me or smacks me there it hurts real bad, any info u can give would be greatly appreciated! Thank you
Hello Nichole,
I recommend that you consult with a local therapist who can evaluate you, and begin treatment. Where are you located? I may be able to recommend a therapist in your area.
I’m located in auburn ca. I dnt have any insurance is why I haven’t been checked out yet. Thank you.
Hello Nichole,
Risa MacDonald, PT will be a great resource for you if you decide to receive treatment in the future.
Risa MacDonald,PT
East Sacramento Physical Therapy
Sacramento CA
(916) 457-8802
Hi Melinda,
So its been 3.5yrs since my c-section and Just starting to get back into exercising and have been feeling some lowest abdominal pain and pain along my incision. I had intercouse last night and got up and exercised and now feel kind of a lot of pain in that area. Can it cause any internal bleeding or anything? It’s making me a little worried. Could u recommend any one on da island of Kauai in Hawaii I could go to for some PF treatment?
Hello Tiare,
It is unlikely that internal bleeding is involved, and more likely that scar tissue, and muscular restrictions may be causing your symptoms. I can recommend a therapist Honolulu, HI but do not have a recommendation for Kauai. I wish you the best in your recovery!
Chantelle Vaughan, PT
Hands on PT
(808) 218-3660
Hi Cassie,
Would the same apply to open appendectomy? I am still walking in sever pain, 1 month post op. And i had PN before too…
Hello Vanessa,
Scar tissue can also develop with an appendectomy but in order to know whether the procedure is causing your symptoms, you will need to receive an assessment. I recommend that you consult with a local pelvic floor specialist, especially if you are in severe pain.
I have had 3 c sections and a hysterectomy. I am 34 years old and my last c section was 2003. A few years after my last c section i started having pain behind my scar and it feels like in the muscles. The pain comes every month and lasts atleast a couple weeks. The pain has gotten horrible! I explain the pain to my doctor as it feels like i just had a c section & the pain even feels to radiate into the skin. When i lay flat and lift my head it’s hurts bad. I had exploritory laproscopic surgery and the doctor found alot of adhesions but nothing else. He removed the adhesions and said the pain should be done. But it didn’t work. I have had ct scans & ultra sound and nothing shows up.
Do you havE any advice? This pain is really hindering my life.
Hello Faleisha,
I’m sorry to hear about your situation. I recommend that you consult with a local therapist who can evaluate you, and begin treatment if necessary.
Hi. I had a third c section 7 months ago. The skin below the incision still hurts. I asked my doctor when i went for follow up after the baby and she said it was normal. I did have a t shaped incision this time. Could this have something to do with it? Could this therapy help with this pain to go away. I live in houston. Thanks!!
Hello Jessica,
I’m sorry, but without evaluating you we can not tell you what is causing your symptoms. Please see the list below; it is a list of PTs that took our course in TX. Perhaps one of them will be able to help you. Another resource is the Yahoo message group, Happy Pelvis:; perhaps one of the group’s members will be able to refer you to a PT.
Nieves Alfredo MD Chattanooga TN 4234901136
Kubic Melissa PT Chattanooga TN 4237788660
Hathaway Lorien PT Plano TX (972) 579-8100
Bobb Valerie PT Dallas TX (214) 820-1860
Fournier Stephanie PT Irving TX (972) 579-8155
Woerner Marie PT Fort Worth TX (817) 735-2100
Sauder Sara PT Austin TX (512) 335-9300
Brooks Heather PT Longview TX (903) 323-6573
McNeely Cody PT Austin TX (512) 335-9300
Anderson Amber PT Plano TX (225) 603-3796
Dehne Pamela PT Austin TX (512) 231-5210
Frits Sandra PT Irving TX (972) 412-4926
Irizarry Stephanie PT Copell TX (972) 745-9060
Parry Constance PT Dallas TX (214) 590-5813
Dobinsky Angela PT Austin TX (512) 335-9300
Francis Peggy NP San Antonio TX 2106144544
Hakeem Fatima PT Sugar Land TX 7137996193
Mire Charmaine OT Houston TX 2815888249
Peters Angie PT Montgomery TX 7137996193
Reardon Sara PT Dallas TX 2146452080
Suire Robin PT Pearland TX 7137996193
Bannister Tami PT Irving TX 9725798155
Walker Carolyn PT Waco TX 2544055203
Basler Colleen PT Austin TX (512) 219-5377
Brinker Anna Dallas TX
15 months ago I had my 3rd C – Section and have had pain on my left side of my pelvic/hip/abdominal area; sometimes I can not sit or stand; it hurts to point I have to lay down and wait for the pain to subside. Sometimes the pain come without a reasoning. It can last for a few days…could you please give me some advice & referrels in the New Orleans,La & Surrounding area.
Hello Elizabeth,
Unfortunately, we do not have a therapist recommendation for New Orleans, LA or the surrounding area. Are you able to travel a further distance?
You had mentioned that PT can help with the pain and the itch. I know what exercises I can do for this as i hurt my back at work and went through PT and they told me its because typically after women start having children or even when men or women undergo surguries around the abdominal areas they tend to have poor core strength and thats what causes people to hurt theier backs. Although you mentioned this women typically have a hard time losing that extra belly due to the scarring. Any exercising tips for us women who try many workouts to no avail?
Hello Patricia,
Here is a blog we wrote specifically with moms in mind. Often times women who have low back pain, and problems with losing the “extra belly” can have a diastasis recti that is contributing to their symptoms. However, every patient is different, and aside from these general tips, we encourage patients to consult with their local PF specialist in order to receive tailored treatment for their specific needs.
Hello, I’m so happy to have found this site! I had a c-section in 2003 and was hoping for a VBAC for my 2nd in 2013. It was a 5 day induction (I was induced for colistasis) and ended up with my amniotic fluid getting infected. I was rushed in for an emergency c-section and after that my uterus became infected, I ended up with a UTI from the catheter and after all that, my insicion became severely infected 1 week later. They then had to reopen it and let it heal from the inside out. Needless to say, it was a very traumatic event and I have been scared emotionally as well as physically. About 6 mo after my daughter’s birth I started experiencing pain to the right of my scar (which is the side that was infected) – sort of under my hip bone. I’ve seen chiropractors, naturopaths, rolfers, etc.. And they all say they can feel lots of scar tissue around my hip. I’m so scared of medical dr’s after my experience, as it seemed like no one knew what they were talking about – and for the icing on the cake, I didn’t end up having colistasis! The pain I have been experiencing seems to be getting worse and worse. The scar area aches, I feel pulling on my clitoris when I lift heavy objects, my hip and back are always in pain and I just don’t know what to do. Could you recommend a pelvic therapist in my area? I live in New Haven CT and would absolutely love to find someone that can help. My husband and I are thinking about having another baby, but I’d love to resolve some of these issues first. Thank you so much! So happy to have found you 🙂
Hello Kristen,
Unfortunately we do not have a therapist recommendation near New Haven, CT. However, one of our offices is located in Waltham, MA. Please call us for more information (781) 577-6648.
Would you have any recommendations for pelvic floor specialists in the Indianapolis, IN area? Or closest to 46075 zip code.
Thank you,
Hello Davinia,
We do not have referrals in your area at this time. If you are able to travel, Kotarinos Physical Therapy is located in Chicago. Their therapists would be able to assist you.
1 Trans Am Plaza Dr #170
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
(630) 620-0232
Hello..its been 7 yrs since I had a C section…i have a bikini incision and in the right side is itchy and there’s a hard part which is really hurting me after my menstruation was started after 2yrs of giving birth until its been 5yrs since i felt the pain…Im planning to go home to my country to visit my Ob..i just want to know if this is serious or its normal..and what can i do at home to atleast lessen the pain.thank you…GodBless
Hello Angela,
Unfortunately we cannot suggest a home program without an evaluation. We recommend that you also consult with a local pelvic floor therapist as well as your OB.
All my best,
im saranya I had my c setion before 4 1/2 yrs before..and I had pain before1 year, when I lift heavy weight and my period times..present I am trying for my next baby from January…is there any problem for conceive because of this Scar pain
Please help me
Hello Saranya,
Scar tissue pain can signal there already may be complications. I recommend that you consult with a local pelvic floor therapist for more information and an assessment.
Looking for someone in the San Diego area. Thanks in advance.
Hello Robin,
Below is our SD therapist recommendation:
Furey Cindy PT San Diego CA (858) 457-8419. Comprehensive Therapy
Hi there..
I’ve just had a c-section about 3 weeks ago and feel small little lumps around the top and bottom of my scar.. it still is quite painful and pulls when I move. Is this normal?
Hello Waheeda,
We recommend that you consult with a local pelvic floor therapist to be sure. If scar tissue is present, he or she will be able to help break down the tissue.
Hi, i just had my c-section last july 31. Now i feel pain on my scar when i touch it and the surrounding skin on it,and lately i feel pain on my pelvic area on the side everytime im going out of bed or lying down. And its on the right side feels like something inside is holding when i move to get out or lay on the bed. Is it due also to the tisues? I reaaly need an answer and remedies.
Hello Helen,
We recommend that you receive an evaluation froma local pelvic floor therapist. There may be scar tissue and adhesions present that are causing your symptoms. This will require manual therapy.
All my best,
Hello, 18 months ago my wife gave birth by C section to our lovely baby boy. He was a breech birth and my wife developed a real problem with her pelvis bone. She attempted to do Physio but it was too painful. Now she struggles to walk around time for the day and is in real discomfort. I was hoping someone could give us some advice on what to do. I suggested to her to go see a specialist but she tells me apart from Physio there is nothing anyone can do. Is she right? I hate to see her in this much discomfort.
Hello Mike,
We recommend that you consult with Maria Elliott in London. After an evaluation, Maria will be able to determine what treatment plan would be the most effective for your wife.
All my best,
Thanks for your reply Melinda. London is 376 miles away from where we live it’s currently not possible to travel all the way down there. Any other avenue to explore?
Hello Mike,
No other avenues at this time.
All my best,
hi. I had a c section, it been 1year and 10 months. It’s my second C-section. From my first, after 5 months, the tissue started around the cut started growing and hardening. Then after my second c section, I was happy that the tissue was well joined. But after an about 6 months, it has started again growing and hard. Now, I’m in pain. Please what can I do?
Hi! We recommend you seeing a pelvic floor pt if you haven’t already. In addition to that, you can also work on massaging the scar tissue to help slow the growing/hardening of it.
Can you recommend a PT person near Chelmsford MA outside of Boston? I have burning and pain after 4 csections. Doctor said my uterus was fused to abdominal wall during my last delivery. I am worried this will not go away post partum. Thank you for your time.
Hello Amy,
We are located in Waltham, MA. Please contact our office for more information (781) 577-6648.
Hi there, i had an emergency c-section 2yrs 4mnths ago due to haemoraging and since then i have had constant abdominal, back and leg pain, my stomach is swollen above my c section scar. I have been to the hospital and doctors on numerous occasions because the pain has become so severe. It is extremely painful during intercourse and there is sometimes bleeding, and i am in alot of pain for a few days after. I am still unable to lift heavy objects as it causes more pain to my abdomen and my legs also feel as though they are going to give out and i have to sit down before i fall. My doctor thinks that it is pelvic inflammatory disease and has given me antibiotics for it but they have not worked……any help or advice? Would really like to go a day without being in pain 🙁
Hello Nadine,
Unfortunately, without an evaluation it is difficult to know what may be causing your symptoms. Where are you located? I may be able to offer a therapist recommendation near you.
Please help me.. I’ve had 3 cesareans, all 2 1/2 years apart, and now 7 years later, I’m having some serious issues and can’t seem to get any help.. Over the past few years, I’ve been expierencing alot of itching and burning and alot of pain. Anywhere from sitting to standing, laying on my stomach, leaning over a counter and coughing and sneezing is the ultimate worst. I have to brace myself, or it feels like I’m gonna burst. I’m so tired of being in pain and having to live like this. I need help. I came across this, but I feel I’m beyond any manipulation of tissues. Can you please give me some advice? Thankyou.
Hello LaTiesha,
We recommend that you consult with a local therapist for an evaluation. Once you are assessed you will be able to begin treatment that will help greatly reduce/eliminate your symptoms, and improve your situation. Where are you located? I may be able to provide a therapist recommendation.
All my best,
Hi, a friend of mine sent me this article and i had a few concerns and questions. My son just turned a year old august 29 and im still have days that my scar causes me horrible pain. For the most part i still cant wear Jeans for a full day, usually i can only handle jeans for just a few hours. I am continuously getting these big red lumps along my scar and they are very painful. Today i cant wear my underwear and had to get into the biggest pair of sweats i have and its now toleratabl but still very uncomfortable. Is there any subject you can give me to help ease this daily struggle. My son was born with some physical disabilities so they had to cut me hip bone to hip bone in order to get him out. However its the bikini part of it thats causing so much pain. Its healed on both sides it now looks like a normal bikini line incision.
Hello Billie,
We recommend an evaluation with a local pelvic floor therapist. Where are you located? We may be able to suggest a therapist for you.
I have had two c-sections since 2013, with the most recent in January of 2015- 7mos ago. Just this morning, I turned and swore I ripped my abdomen open- it was a tearing/burning sensation that lasted about 10mins and was coming from my c-section scar & is still a little tender to the touch. This sensation came from the right side, where the scar meets non-scar. I should also mention that I am starting to have menstrural pains but have not started menstrating- as I am still breast feeding.
Could this be from the scar tissue growing? Would manipulation help? Is this a common complaint ? I did not have this sensation with my first.
Thank you.
*were in Leesburg, VA
Hello Courtney,
Below are the therapists we recommend in Virginia:
Pierce Kristen Warrenton VA (540) 316-2680 [email protected]
Rich Jennifer Roanoke VA (540) 982-2273 [email protected]
Gryski Joanne PT Herndon VA (703) 222-5973 [email protected]
Miller Amanda DPT Richmond VA (804) 270-7754 [email protected]
Pagliano Carrie PT Arlington VA 2024444180 [email protected]
Brown Carolyn PT Virginia Beach VA 7573742373 [email protected]
Simmons Camille PT Alexandria VA (703) 849-8142 [email protected]
Oxford Kathy DPT Richmond VA (804)330-9105 [email protected]
Morris Lydia PT Richmond VA (804)285-0148 [email protected]
Pesavento Kathy PT Vienna VA (703)963-3466 [email protected]
Silvers Janet PT Burke VA (703)531-2410 [email protected]
Kalina Clare PT Fairfax VA (703)591-9088
I’m located in Columbus, Ohio.
Hello LaTiesha,
Unfortunately, we do not have a therapist recommendation in Columbus however, the Pelvic Pain Center in Cleveland Ohio may be a good resource for you. Below is their information:
hey, am from Kenya and i have a concern. my fiance got twice two years ago through c section and now she complains of pain whenever she would exercise. is this normal? if so how does she deal with the belly fat?
Hello Kennedy,
Pain with exercise is not normal. We recommend that your fiance consults with a local pelvic floor therapist.
Pingback: Painful scars? Yes, you can do something about it! | Jessica Reale, PT, DPT, WCS
I Just had mine one month ago. Could you kindly recommend a PFT in Belize or Central America.
Additionally, what are some manipulating exercises I can do in the interim.
Thank you.
Hello Camilla,
We do not have a therapist in your area, but we do offer an out of town program. Unfortunately, without an evaluation it is difficult to prescribe you and exercise/manual therapy techniques.
Warm Regards,
I am one month out from my third c section. I have a fold of skin over my incision area. It’s very unflattering and it can cause some pain. It looks like a hot dog is under the skin. Is this something that will go away with time and massaging or should I exoect it to stay forever.
Hello Abby,
It is difficult to know without first assessing the area, but if the tissue is restricted, it may continue to cause symptoms until addressed. I encourage you to consult with a local therapist for more information.
OMG! Your post comes just right, and is giving me a new hope.
I had a c-section on 4/2010, a second c-section on 2/2012 and a laparoscopic hysterectomy on 10/2014.
With physical activity I have strained the right of the scar and the pain is some times severe, and I have constant itching on the scar itself. For what I read I could be a candidate for the PT but I’m not sure what specific specialist.
Thank you so much! I thought I was done, and that I had to live with it since the surgeries were a while ago
Could you recommend someone close to zip code 60119
Best regards,
Hello Claudia,
Below are therapist recommendations for your area:
Justice Jamie PT Dekalb IL (815) 785-5508 Creative Therapeutics
Markett Kristen PT Orland Park IL (708) 671-1971 Flexeon Rehab
Kirk Brandi PT Homer Glen IL 7083013102 Kirk Center for Healthy Living
O’Keefe Maureen PT Evergreen Park IL 6306200232 1 Trans America Plaza Dr
Florendo Judith PT Evanston IL 3123378840 Florendo Physical Therapy
Thatcher Judy PT, CFMT Cary IL 8474581722 Sherman Hospital
Any reccomendations in northern N.J.? I have been struggling with this for years…and am currently in PT for severe back pain. Just discovered the possible connection between these two medical issues. Post c-section 2002, and 2004. Post DaVinci supra cervical hysterectomy 2012. Constant abdominal/pelvic pain and sensitivity and palpable thick scar tissue under c-section scar. Please help!!! Willing to go to NY City if need be!
Hello Kristy,
Here are our recommendations in New Jersey:
Niva Herzig, MSPT
Core Dynamics PT
Englewood NJ
[email protected]
Nancy Ely-Maskal, PTA
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center
Englewood NJ
I had three c section the last one was seven years ago but it still pain is that normal.
Hello Dianne,
Pain is the body’s way of telling us there is an issue that needs to be addressed. However, you will need to have an evaluation to be sure.
All my best,
I had my baby on November 19,2014 via c section had very little pain after I guess I have a high pain tolerance I came home from hospital 2 days after having him and didn’t take pain meds after that but now 11 month’s later I’m having the worse pain ever on my scar and righg under it sometimes it gets in this huge knot and hurts all the way to my back bone has anyone else had this problem my dr doesn’t care about anything after he delivers the baby and gets paid so he will probably not listen to me I know this because he tied my kidneys to my uterus on “accident” so I had a infection for 8 months after and now this has happened I can’t sleep can’t walk far can somebody help me
Hello Mary,
I am sorry to hear about your experience. Where are you located? I may be able to recommend a local therapist.
I am having severe pain around my scar and it’s been 2 years, this is this first time this has happened and it feels like a sharp/burning pain that gets worse with movement. My cycle also just started what could this be?
Hello Anna,
It is difficult to know without first evaluating you, but there may be scar tissue restrictions present. We recommend consulting with a pelvic floor therapist for more information.
Do you have a PT therapist in the Greensboro/Winston Salem/High Point, NC area? I am currently 10 wks pregnant with my 5th baby (will be a 5th c section) and am experiencing incredibly sharp round ligament pains as the baby is growing. Prior to getting pregnant, I also had excruciatingly painful ovulation days, which I attributed to scar tissue adhesions (never confirmed by a doctor). So, I’m assuming these growing stabbing pains are due to the scar tissue as well. I WISH one of the 3 doctors I have seen in the past 9 years had told me about scar tissue massage post any one of my four c-sections. Maybe the pain and risk wouldn’t be so bad. Thank you for your suggestions! Britney
Hello Britney,
Yes! Wilda Young, PT is located near you. Below is her information:
Young Wilda PT Greensboro NC (336) 275-6380
So i had a c-section 6 years ago, and they had to re-open 3 days after because of staph infection. It was 6in wide and over an inch deep, and it had to be packed 2x daily for 2 1/2 months to heal from inside out. I also had a c-section 4 years ago. Well today i sat down on my bed and when i laid back it felt like something ripped on the inside, so freaking painful! And it still hurts, all the way in my back. I dont want to go to hospital because idk what they will do, if anything… So i need some advice
Hello Rhonda,
I am sorry to hear about your situation. I encourage you to consult with a local pelvic floor therapist that can begin to address your findings. We are unable to offer specific advise without first conducting an evaluation.
All my best,
Do you have any recommendations in Corpus Christi TX ?
Hello Bunny,
None at this time, I apologize.
Hi….. I had a baby in April of 2015… six months after I tried shaving the area then I noticed a small redish swelling on the incision…. an a week after the swelling I noticed a whitish swelling on that same area? Came you help me understand what this might be…… im super worried
Hello Keisha,
It may be the natural development of scar tissue, but in order to know for sure, an evaluation will be necessary. Where are you located? I may be able to offer you a therapist recommendation.
i had an c-section 9 years ago and three years ago i notice a lump and dis pass summer i went to doctors after noticing it got bigger thAN FOR THE LAST MONTH I HAVE HAD SHARP STABBING PAIN BURNING SENSATIONS I CRY CAUSE IT HURT SO BAD I HAVE HAD CT SCANS AND BIOPCE IM TIRED CAN SOMEONE HELP ME IN THE TAMPA FL AREA
Hello Nikki,
Below are the names of therapists who have taken our course. Although we are not affiliated with them, we do know that they also treat pelvic floor dysfunctions.
Arango Ashley Orlando FL (407) 303-8280 Florida Hospital Pelvic Health Rehab
Marsh Katherine Orlando FL (407) 303-8280 Florida Hospital Pelvic Health Rehab
Scott Shyla Niceville FL (850) 279-4660 Prime Time Physical Therapy
Bell Elizabeth PT Lake Wales FL (407) 303-4003 Florida Hospital
Douglass Eric PT Bonita Springs FL (239) 947-4184 Douglass Orthopedic & Spine Rehabilitation, Inc.
Piazza Jill PT Ormond Beach FL (386) 943-4695 Florida Hospital DeLand
Shanahan Heather PT Altamonte Springs FL (407) 916-4500 Florida Hospital
Downey Pamela PT Miami FL (305) 666-3232
Shankar Lakshmi PT Orlando FL (407) 916-4500 Florida Hospital
Zyderveld Jeannette PT Orlando FL (407) 649-6888 Orlando Health
Jenkins Ruth PT Crestview FL 8507580254 Women’s Manual Physio
Sher Tracy PT Altamonte Springs FL (407)257-1403 Florida Hospital
Weibel Catherine A. MPT Orlando FL 4072367155 Ability Rehabilitation
Perez Donna PT Hollywood FL 9543301310 Select Physical Thearpy
Dareholtz Dori PT Boca Raton FL 5614824300 Women’s Physical Therapy Inc.
Whiting Lisa Tallahassee FL (850) 907-5767 Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare
Hart Mary Sarasota FL (941) 536-4290 Hart Physical Therapy, LLC
Patterson Kim Gainesville FL (352) 336-1433 Clear Passage Physical Therapy
D Avy Reed Evette Gainesville FL (352) 336-1433 Clear Passage Physical Therapy
Simpson Heather Lady Lake FL (352) 259-2522 Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation
Roscow Amanda (Mandy) Gainesville FL (352) 265-5200 Shands at University of Florida
Enault-Tucker Alice Winter Haven FL (863) 292-4060 Winter Haven Hospital, OPRC
Pattugalan Maria Jacksonville FL (904) 244-1179 Shands Jacksonville
Can you recommend a PT in San Jose, Ca area?
Thanks, Sandy
Hello Sandy,
We are located in Los Gatos, CA and would be happy to assist you. We do not have a therapist recommendation in San Jose at this time. If you’d like more information about our practice, please do not hesitate to contact us at (408) 884-8456.
All my best,
Hi. I have a had 4 c-sections. My youngest is 21 months. I just had an orgasm and sex with my husband (no condom). I also had a tubal at my daughter’s birth. After sex, for the first time I started to experience severe, sudden, sharp pain in the area under and around my scar. Can you explain this? Should I seek medical attention or will this go away? It hurts more when I push on the area. It’s not gas, either. Thank you!!!
Hello Jamie,
There could be some scar tissue that may have developed and created restrictions, or perhaps your pelvic floor muscles may have become hypertonic. An evaluation from a pelvic floor therapist will be essential to determine what may be contributing to your symptoms.
Do you have recommendations for the Columbia, SC area? You also mentioned a book in earlier comments. Has it been published and if so, how do I purchase a copy? So glad to find this post; I thought I was the only one experiencing these issues.
Hello Tyla,
We do not have a therapist recommendation in Columbia, but we can recommend Proaxis Therapy in SC. Below is their information:
Powley Jessica Greenville SC (864) 454-0952 Proaxis Therapy
Sires Jenna Greenville SC (803) 979-5646 Proaxis Therapy
I had two c-sections in 2002 and 2005. It wasn’t until the past year that I have begun to have pain at my scar during and after my periods. Usually it isn’t too terrible with just some sensitivity and stabbing pains here and there, but then it goes away after my period.
So, this week I began having more pain and sensitivity than normal. I am unable to do much that requires the use of my ab muscles and it is keeping me up at night. It seems like it is getting worse and my period ended a few days ago. Does this sound like a scar tissue problem or is it possible it is endometriosis?
I am in Utah and would appreciate some guidance. Thank you in advance for your help.
Hello Amy,
It is difficult to say without evaluating you, but scar tissue may be causing your symptoms, along with other complications. We recommend that you consult with a local therapist for more information. Here is a therapist we recommend in your area:
Bonnijane Monson, DPT Salt Lake City UT (801) 587-7005/ 801-581-2897
Hi. Iv had a c section with my first boy as he was breech. I’m having my second baby and want to try vbac but I am concerned my scary could rupture as it seems different to other pics iv seen of other woman’s. I.e it’s pencil thin at either side (like most woman’s) but the middle part isn’t thin, about 1cm or more wide of scar. It’s not lumpy or thick in height, just wide scaring in the middle. Can this effect my vbac??
Hello Georgina,
Without evaluating you, I cannot say for sure. I recommend that you consult with Maria Elliot in the UK. Here is her information:
Can you make recommendations for the Columbia, SC area?
Hello Tyla,
Unfortunately, Proaxis Physical Therapy are the only therapists we recommend in SC. Here is their information:
Powley Jessica Greenville SC (864) 454-0952 Proaxis Therapy
Sires Jenna Greenville SC (803) 979-5646 Proaxis Therapy
I have had 4 c-sections with my last being a year ago. I still have pain above my cut and experience intense itching which can be painful due the the sensitivity. I also recently notice the area around my cut scars and hives up after I scratch. Please help. I don’t know if this is normal or what to do. Any advice?
Hello Veronica,
Pain after a c-section can be addressed with pelvic PT. we recommend that you consult with a local PT who can begin treatment.
Can I go to any sports physical therapist to help with the abdominal area after c-section. I’m in the military and had one, I have to be able to complete the site up in 3 months. And I was told it was going to take a while because they cut throw my abs… and they will have to be rebuilt.
Hello lashawnda.lee,
No, a pelvic PT is the only therapist who understands internal manual therapy, and are specially trained to do this.
Hi, I had a csection 3 months ago and having trouble with a small (maybe half inch) part of the incision wont close. Also have persistent burning rash and reoccurring skin yeast infections. Also still having sharp pains and also tail bone.pain. can you be of any assistance suggesting what could be wrong? I have seen a few dotors who are of no help. They just keep giving me antibiotics which have done nothing to help. Thank you!
Hello Ene,
We recommend that you consult with a local pelvic floor therapist. Unfortunately, medications and antibiotics will not resolve muscular impairments.
I had my baby 4 months ago and had to deal with my insision coming open.then packing it for almost 2 months. And its healed shut now but kinda wavy scar..any way im having lighting pain and hard core camping type pain in my right ovary area any advice?
Hello Nellie,
I apologize for the delayed response. We have a difficult time understanding the underlying cause of your symptoms without first assessing you. We strongly encourage you to consult with a local therapist if you have not already done so. Although we cannot offer you specific advice, it does sound like you’d greatly benefit from physical therapy.
All my best,
Can you suggest a therapist in Seattle, WA? I had a c section 10 months ago and am having many of these issues.
Hello Brooke,
My apologies for the delayed response. We’ve received a higher volume of questions that prevented us from sticking to our normally timely response schedule. Below is our therapist recommendation:
Allen Tina PT Seattle WA (206) 598-2889 [email protected] University of Washington-Roosevelt
I had a c section 4 years and yesterday on the right side of my incision I noticed its red and there’s a lump that hurts. Is this just scar tissue or should I see a doctor?
Hi Amanda,
We suggest seeing your physical and a pelvic floor physical therapist.
Hi I had a c section 8 weeks ago. I continue to have pain at the incision site and down to the vagina. It feels like menstrual cramps and as if I’ve worn jeans that are too tight. Can you recommend someone in El Paso, TX or New Mexico? We’re in far West Texas. Thank you!
Hello Yvette,
I apologize for the delayed response. We have received a high volume of inquiries, and have been unable to attend to them in a timely manner. Lauren Rose is located in NM and would be able to assist you. It is difficult to say without having evaluated you, but it does sound like PT would be a great treatment option for you.
Rose Lauren PT Santa Fe NM 5054660244 Physiotherapy New Mexico
I had my second C-section 25 years ago. A few pains since but I can live with the. However, 6 weeks ago I turned to pick up something and a shooting pain went down my left leg. I was referred to a physiotherapist for back pain. He was able to relieve the constant pain thankfully and we’ve been working on getting rid of it totally. It seems I make progress with the exercises and then it reoccurs during the exercise. I asked if it would have anything to do with my c-sections but he say no. Your article got me wondering… Can you recommend a pelvic floor pt therapist in Fredericton New Brunswick Canada.
Hello Kathy,
I am sorry to hear about your situation. I can certainly offer several therapist referrals located in Canada. Here is their information:
Elizabeth Givenrod-Wood, PT
Prescott Ontario, Canada
[email protected]
Seaway Physiotherapy Center
Stephanie Thibault-Gagnon, PT
Kingston, Ontario Canada
(613) 533-6000, ext 79009
[email protected]
Queen’s University
Laura Disenhaus, DO
Toronto Ontario Canada
(416) 591-1123
[email protected]
Tamarah Nerreter, PT
South Surrey, British Columbia
Canada 604-475-0522
[email protected]
Johanne Sabourin, PT
Coquitlam, British Columbia
Canada 604-475-0522
[email protected]
Kira Ellis, PT
Calgary, Alberta Canada
[email protected]
Alana Lazareck-Devlin, PT
Calgary, Alberta Canada
Safa Rahman, PT
Calgary, Alberta Canada
Sarah Kalinocka, PT and Dianna MacDonald, PT
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Mary Wood, PT
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Hi, thank you so much for the informational article! I’m annoyed that this is the first I’ve even heard of PT for a c-section scar. My daughter’s 1st birthday is coming up in a couple weeks and my scar is acting up more than the normal itching/stinging. I’ve felt more intense stinging today and a little swelling in one small area of the incision. Fluid did come out of it with pressure. Could this be something I should have looked at? Or, I’m thinking maybe it was an ingrown hair. Any advice or PT referrals in my area, Ventura, CA, would be amazing. Thanks again!
Hello Alicia,
Thank you for sharing your situation with us. Without an evaluation, it is difficult to fully understand your physical presentation, however it does seem as if a consultation with a specialist would be a great tool to consider. We do not have a therapist recommendation located in Ventura, but we are located in Los Angeles. Please contact our office for more information: (424) 293-2306.
I am so glad I found this blog! I have had pain for over one year. I had a C-section 8 years ago and started barely started having pain last year. I did find that whenever I was getting sick within the last few years I would start feeling pain where my C-section is. I now always have pain that radiates all over. tailbone area, legs, C-section and ovaries. I feel like I have menstrual cramps all the time. I had laproscopic surgery last year which seems to alleviate the problem but it came back. My question is, will an MRI show scar tissue?
Hi Alma,
Unfortunately, an MRI cannot help someone determine if scar tissue is present and if it is a source of the pain. The pain you described can come from multiple sources. It is possible the scar tissue is causing some of you pain but most likely there are also neuromuscular causes as well. A pelvic floor physical therapist can help you figure this out.
How does one go about finding a PT that will perform this type of service? I am in the Green Bay Wisconsin area. Would I just have to call around? What specifically am a to ask?
Hi Ruby,
Please use the link below to find a pelvic floor physical therapist. Also, find our blog that discusses what a good pelvic PT session is like, this will help guide the questions to ask when calling around.
Hello my name is Amber im 33 starting over my son is 3 weeks old I had c section under my belly button .im feeling a little better but .my back hurts alot and I feel tight ness in n around my stomach . Am I going to be feeling the same way for long how long does it take to heal . Im a house wife and still need to maintain my house .please get back to me asap thanks
Hi Amber,
You are still healing, however, if the symptoms persist past 12 weeks you should seek an evaluation with a pelvic floor physical therapist. You may do so through the American Physical Therapy Section on Women’s Health or the International Pelvic Pain Society.
I had 2 c sections 20 and 17 yrs ago. I also had a hysterectomy, appendectomy and tubes tied. I am experiencing severe pain on the c section scar, it is red and feels very hot. Also throbs. It doesn’t seem to be an issue with my doctor, he says it’s something I have to learn to live with. I am getting concerned as pain has increased over the last 4 weeks. I’m not sure where to turn. Please advise what I should be doing next.
Hi Joanne,
We recommend you consult with a pelvic floor physical therapist. Please use the link below to find someone in your area.
(1) Do you have any pelvic PT recommendations within the surrounding areas of Lancaster, SC 29720?
I had a tubal litigation done in 1994. However in 1999, I had to have a C-section done due to a ruptured tubual ectopical pregnancy. After that event, I have continued to have contant sharp,stabbing pain that persists in the lower left quadrant area. The constant pain is located in the left pelvic, hip, abdominal area just slightly above the end of the C-section. I also have a continous high WBC count ranging from 14 to 20. I have seen every doctor under the sun including 2 different gynecologists, a gastroenterologist, a blood and cancer doctor, and a hematologist about this problem. However, know one can seem to find out what is wrong.
(2) Could a constant high WBC count and left lower pelvic pain around the pelvic/hip/abdominal area be contributed to built-up scar tissue or adhensions from an old previous C-section?
(3) Also, will just a regular physical therapist be able to help me with my problem if no Pelvic Floor physical therapist is available within a 50 mile radius of my area?
Hi Sherrie,
We recommend consulting with a pelvic floor physical therapist. Please use the link below to find a provider in your area.
Hello. I had 3 all natural deliveries and then an emergency c section because of placenta previa hemorrhage at 36 weeks with my daughter 10 months ago. When I press on the area above my c section scar it is still very sore on the one side. I also experience round ligament pain on that same side when I sit up to fast in bed or try to roll over. My zip code is 65237. Do you have recommendations for me? I am afraid of this causing placenta previa again.
Hi Christine,
Please use the link below to find a physical therapist in your area.
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I had my son in 2007. To this day all around my scar becomes very irritated. I get abscesses that are extremely painful. I have to cover them with gauze because they drain. I was told to use yeast infection medication which, does not work. Back in 2007 my csection was badly infected to the point i had a wound vac for almost 5 months. It is now 2016 and I am still having issues with holes appearing on the scar that drain and have an awful smell. Antibiotics don’t help. Nice even had 2 sonograms to make sure nothing was left in the wound and nothing. I shower everyday, clean the scar with saline, make sure it’s dry, wipe it numerous times throughout the day with clean gauze and saline. Antibiotics clear it up for a short time but, it always comes back.
I had c section In sept 2013 , after 11 month I had painful period pain after urination pain after bowel mouvement and after sex I develop multiple uti I was diagnosed with bladder imflamation and a lot of pain in pelvic area low back and leg pain in right side, I have burning in csection area after stritching or walking my gyne told me I have scar tissue and I’ll have laparoscopy in next month I have persistent pain and I’m using antidepressant for sleeping at night I’m living in Windsor ontario canada I will try PT after surgery
Could you please recommend a PF specialist near Grosse Pointe MI? I have had 6 children. My second was my only c-section (16 years ago in 1999) and ever since then I have had a pulling sensation on the left side of my scar. sometimes it burns on the left side of my scar and feels like there is something inside. The scar itself is actually indented on the left. I often have lower stomach problems. Would love to finally get some relief.
Hi Lucretia,
Please use the link below to find a physical therapist in your area.
Hi my name is Jen. My sister I. law said she has a condition where her c section scar was healed with her uterus. But she doesn’t fully understand the complications. How can I explain them to her?
Hello Jen,
She may benefit from reading our blogs and also consulting with a local pelvic floor therapist.
I had my 2nd c-section 10 months ago and I’m starting feel burning, ripping pain, and irritating pain when i am on my menstruation, this just started 3 months ago and its getting worse every time i start my menstruation. with my first c-section, this did not happen to me. what should i do as my common law is starting to freak out.
Hi Wendy,
We recommend consulting with a local pelvic floor physical therapist. You can use the link below to find a provider in your area.
Hi my name is Nicky and I am so glad I came across your post. I’ve been experiencing the same pain as some of the women on here. Burning, intense, pulling and swelling on the left side of my incision. It did not start happening until maybe 2 years ago. I am 5 years post c-section and the fact that it started happening later, alarmed me. I have 3 children all of whom was born via c-section, and I did not have this kind of pain with the first 2 children. All of my kids are 5 years apart. The pain I’ve been experiencing feels like the pain I felt in the months immediately after having my children. I went to my gynecologist and she actually told me that it’s my scar tissue, and there is nothing I could do about it. I was basically told I have to live with it for the rest of my life. The pain over the last 2 years has gotten worse and the swelling too. The swelling gets so bad at times you can see the lump through my clothing. Can you please refer to a pelvic PT in my area. I live in Bridgewater NJ and your referrals in Englewood is pretty far from me. Thank you in advance.
Hi Nicky,
Please use the link below to find a pelvic PT in your area.
Hi I had my first c section 12 years ago and had another 9 years ago then my last 6 years ago and I’ve just started getting aches at both sides of my scar abit like ovary ache, it goes from one side then the other but I’m noticing it more often , I had all the insides checked and all came Bk clear is this normal
Hi Jenny,
We recommend consulting with a pelvic floor physical therapist. The link below will allow you to find a provider in your area. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
I have a c-section scar from two c-sections very long ago. The f