For those of you following our journey through the 3rd World Congress on Abdominal and Pelvic Pain (#WCAPP17), here is another light-bulb lecture explaining the interconnections of chronic visceral pain. The presenter, Melissa A. Farmer, PhD, is a researcher at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University with a long-standing relationship with the International Pelvic Pain Society (the …
Positive Affect Helps Mitigate Chronic Pain: Building a Positive Piggy Bank
Many patients find that managing chronic pelvic pain conditions can sometimes be difficult. Oftentimes there is no one “thing” or pathology that symptoms can be tied to which, understandingly, can be frustrating or overwhelming. More accurately, chronic pelvic pain is a complex interaction of both physiological and psychosocial components. It is not only the body but the mind and …
Endometriosis: Beyond the lesions
By: Jandra Mueller, DPT, MS, PHRC Encinitas In our second post of our series covering the Third World Congress on Abdominal and Pelvic Pain, I will cover the lecture titled Endometriosis-associated pain, why should we consider the central nervous system? If you missed our first post, click here. This year at the annual meeting of the International Pelvic …
Pain as the Ultimate Protector
By Admin I recently attended a course with pain researcher and clinical neuroscientist, Lorimer Moseley. He, along with his colleague David Butler, have changed the face of pain science and helped many clinicians and patients understand how pain works. If you want to see Lorimer in action, and explain pain better than I ever could, check out his TED …
Coffee with Lorimer
This week guest blogger and esteemed LA colleague, Julie Weibe, PT talks about her conversation the brilliant Lorimer Moseley, Ph.D., B.App.Sc. Her posts sums up one of the reasons Steph and Liz asked Dr. Moseley to write the forward for their book, Pelvic Pain Explained. Here’s what Julie has to say: November 17th 2014 Well, we didn’t actually have coffee. …